Biometrics4ALL unveiled its LiveScan4ALL product suite at the recent California Local Input Terminal (LIT) conference, where LiveScan operators and managers from counties throughout California had an opportunity to see it first hand. "We could not have been more pleased to see such positive responses from people who have been using and reviewing LiveScans for the past decade," said Biometrics4ALL Managing Director Edward Chen. "We are so excited about the high level of energy and interest at the LIT. It is reassuring that others in the industry recognize our ability to provide the highest quality and most intuitive LiveScans at the most affordable prices."
Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, Sergeant Thomas "TJ" Smith commented, "Having just finished reviewing a majority of the LiveScan systems in the industry, it is exciting to see a LiveScan vendor taking such an innovative approach to solve many of our daily challenges while simplifying the overall task. To put it simply, I just like it." This LiveScan software has many unique features, one of which allows the operator, who most likely is not a fingerprint specialist, to quickly and easily review capture sequences, image qualities, and annotations for flat impressions, rolled prints, and palm prints all on a single clearly laid out QC screen.
The LiveScan4ALL product suite is specifically designed from the operator’s perspective for criminal booking, applicant processing, and identity management needs. The LiveScan system offers a complete solution that enables operators to enter demographics and descriptors; capture fingerprints, palmprints, digital photos, mugshots, scars, marks, and tattoos; as well as collect fees when appropriate. Agencies may submit directly from the LiveScan to the FBI, national/state/local agencies, American Bankers Association (ABA), National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC), or the Transportation Security Authority (TSA) for criminal history checks via the industry standard XML or NIST formats.
About Biometrics4ALL, Incorporated
Biometrics4ALL, Inc. is a global integrator of LiveScan technology and biometrics identity management solutions. The company’s mission is to provide every agency with the latest biometrics technology to improve homeland security and public safety services. The LiveScan4ALL product suite is designed and developed using the latest software technology and methodology based on proven industry standard FBI certified hardware. The company is headquartered in Orange County, California. For additional information, please visit
Biometrics4ALL, Inc., Attains Two FBI Certifications and Introduces a Revolutionary LiveScan Product
Company: Biometrics4ALL, Inc.
Contact Name: Tiffany Chu
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Contact Phone: 714-914-9988
Contact Name: Tiffany Chu
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 714-914-9988