Virtual Tales, an e-publisher of serialized novels and novellas spanning a variety of fiction genres and styles, announced that it will begin selling subscriptions to the general public on Monday, May 1st. Virtual Tales will offer serialized novels from authors in both general and genre fiction with prices starting at $3.99 for ten installments. The stories will be delivered through email twice a week, as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) files suitable for reading on a PC, Mac, PDA, e-reader or other device with e-mail capabilities.
"We’ve been reviewing story submissions for the past two months with our editors, and we’ve selected a small number of excellent stories from a few popular genres to launch our service with," said Dave A. Law, Chairman of Virtual Tales. "These stories are now being edited and prepped for sale on our website. Serial fans should be sure to visit our site on May 1st to see what we are offering and to take advantage of our free trial subscriptions."
Virtual Tales is a privately held partnership founded in December 2005 to deliver serialized fiction via e-mail to its subscribers. It is scheduled to begin offering its bi-weekly genre serials for sale to the public on May 1, 2006 and is currently soliciting additional serial stories for publication. Complete details can be found at
Virtual Tales to Launch on May 1, 2006
Company: Virtual Tales
Contact Name: Virtual Tales
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Contact Phone: 360-901-9725
Contact Name: Virtual Tales
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Contact Phone: 360-901-9725