Virtual Tales, an e-publisher of serialized novels and novellas spanning a variety of fiction genres and styles, announced the selection of its first serial work, FRATERFAMILIAS, by Peter Ferrer. It will be available for subscription on May 1st when Virtual Tales officially opens for business.
"We are very excited to be able to offer a story of this caliber to our subscribers," said Dave A. Law, Chairman of Virtual Tales. "All of our editors loved it, and we are confident that it will appeal to a wide audience. It is primarily a murder mystery, but has enough otherworldly elements that it will also appeal to science fiction fans."
FRATERFAMILIAS starts off at a run as a quiet architect wanted for four murders in Paris walks off a plane at JFK and into a hail of police gunfire. An Interpol inspector and an NYPD detective are on the case, but the architect’s death seems to tie everything up – until the body is stolen, and it is no longer clear if he was ever dead to begin with.
Virtual Tales offers serialized novels in both general and genre fiction for prices starting at $3.99 for ten installments. The stories are delivered through email twice a week as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) files suitable for reading on a PC, Mac, PDA, e-reader or other device with e-mail capabilities. All stories available through its website – including FRATERFAMILIAS – are available for a free trial subscription, so everyone is encouraged to visit the website and give it a try.
Virtual Tales is a privately held partnership founded in December 2005 to deliver serialized fiction via e-mail to its subscribers. It is scheduled to begin offering its bi-weekly genre serials for sale to the public on Monday, May 1, 2006 and is currently soliciting serial stories for publication. Complete details can be found at
Virtual Tales Selects “FraterFamilias” as its First Serialized Novel for Publication
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Contact Name: Virtual Tales
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