Track and field teams from high schools all across the Midwest will come face to face in competition in Detroit for the 2nd Annual Robert S. Shumake Scholarship Relays on April 29, 2006 at the Martin Luther King Jr. High School. Among the number of schools participating in his historic event is Cleveland’s James Ford Rhodes High School, which is among the top Ohio State Track And Field High Schools.
Sanctioned by the U.S. Track and Field Association, the Robert S. Shumake Family Scholarship Relays brings together students to compete for individual and team trophies and college scholarships.
Founded by former Detroit all-city track star, businessman Robert Shumake, CEO of Inheritance Investment Group, the event is fast becoming one of the top relays in the country. It is already the largest high school relay in Detroit. Shumake has long been committed to helping the youth obtain their dreams. Along with his many corporate contacts and connections, Robert has been able to provide scholarship funding for the relays. This unique track and field meet not only awards the winners with medals and trophies but also provides college scholarships to qualified participants. The scholarships are administered through the Detroit branch of United Negro College Fund.
The 2nd Annual Robert S. Shumake Relay Races will be held on April 29, 2006 at the Martin Luther King Jr. High School (3200 East Lafayette St., Detroit, MI) at 8AM. To register or inquire about sponsorships, please visit the website at or call 248-443-0939.
For Press Information, Please Contact: S&S Associates (908) 221-1660
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