Brits choose Malta for Property…..

Published: Tue May 02 2006

Malta has continued its post war tradition as a home for expatriate Brits according to a web based property Company.

A spokesman for said that in recent years, over 30% of residential property sales made though their associates in Malta, came from UK based buyers.

Ray Woods, the owner of maltabuyproperty said,
"Investing in property is still seen by many as a relatively difficult and risky business – and some tv programmes have created unease about the security of land rights in some European countries.

Malta by contrast is seen as a relatively safe and stress free location Country in which to invest – and its attraction has been increased by its membership of the EU.

English is a joint first language in Malta, which makes it much easier for English speaking buyers from overseas to fit in with the very friendly local Maltese population.

Properties in Malta have increased in value by an average of 8% per annum, accelerating to 15% in the last 2-3 years.

It is widely reported that Easyjet will launch a no-frills service to Malta by 2007. Air Malta already runs such a service from Stansted.

HSBC Bank have also just announced that they are making buy to let mortgages available in Malta for the first time.

These developments are bound to give a boost to the housing market in Malta which is already reacting to a predicted increase of 30% in the native population by 2050 – due to greater longevity!"

For more details, go on line to or telephone Freephone 0800 7811898 for informal advice and guidance on buying property in Malta.

Issued by: Ray Woods of Tel: Freephone 0800 7811898.
Malta joins the Euro in January 2008. was established by husband and wife team, Ray and Elaine Woods who bought a second home in Malta in 2002 - and now provide free advice and guidance to other UK residents who may want to follow in their footsteps.
Contact Name: Ray Woods
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 07967 686230

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