We Collect Your Judgments is a company dedicated to collecting unsatisfied civil judgments, family law orders, and criminal restitution awards. We Collect Your Judgments purchases judgments on a future pay basis, and collect them on our own behalf. No application or up-front fees of any kind are charged.
Clients may have no idea how to receive their money. Once a prospective client wins the suit in court, the amount of money won is legally theirs. The system does not help collect or recover what is rightfully the individual's. They may offer a pamphlet informing your rights, or give a stack of court papers that can be filed-but that is such a hassle.
We Collect Your Judgments can collect when their clients cannot. We Collect Your Judgments have the resources, expertise, and determination to enforce the judgment that may have been awarded. A thorough investigation to uncover any assets or sources of income is made, and whatever steps are necessary to legally seize or garnish these assets are taken.
Companies or individuals that have valid court awarded civil judgment, criminal restitution award, or family law judgment of $10,000.00 or more, can use We Collect Your Judgments collect the full amount of the unpaid judgment. Whatever is necessary, such as, garnish wages, levy on bank accounts, place liens on real and personal property, and seize assets as necessary. In short, everything legally possible will be done to collect the monies awarded by the court.
As a judgment holder, you have the right to assign that judgment to a third party. If the client has been unable to collect on a judgment, We Collect Your Judgments can enforce it. They track down the judgment debtor, locate hidden assets, and take whatever legal actions are necessary to satisfy the judgment.
We Collect Your Judgments is a company based in Plano, Texas that serves all 50 States with judgment recovery, skip tracing, lien attachments as well as consulting services. To contact We Collect Your Judgments about assisting you in getting the money owed to you, visit them at http://www.wecollectyourjudgments.com.
John Pillow
We Collect Your Judgments
5068 Plano Parkway Suite 300
Plano, TX 75093
Tel: 214-427-0000
Fax: 413-828-5890
Parkmont Group Announces New Web Site wecollectyourjudgments.com
Company: We Collect Your Judgments
Contact Name: John Pillow
Contact Email: info@wecollectyourjudgments.com
Contact Phone: 214-427-0000
Contact Name: John Pillow
Contact Email: info@wecollectyourjudgments.com
Contact Phone: 214-427-0000