Lori Toms of Greenville, S. C. has developed a creative way to pay off her house. She will practically give it away along with a $50,000 Extreme Home Makeover and donate thousands of dollars to improving living conditions for Senior Citizens.
If things go as planned, someone will own a $122,000 home which will include a $50,000 Extreme Home Makeover, this summer, by paying only $100.
Due to severe financial pressures brought on by medical bills, business loss, and forced job relocation, she devised a contest to help her get out from under the debt of her former 3 bedroom, Bristow, OK. home, while donating money towards the development of Affordable Senior Housing.
Through an eBay advertisement, she is inviting people from all over the world to enter an essay with the theme "Why I want to own this home." It costs only $100 to enter an essay.
She stated she used the Ebay advertisement as a cost effective method to reach the largest number of people. "I do not have major sponsors. I am doing this 100% on my own and using the last of my resources." She is hoping to get national attention for her contest.
A minimum of 2,000 essays are required to complete the contest but Toms will complete the contest if it falls within 200 entries. She will dip into her retirement funds to make this a winning situation for a lucky essay writer.
Toms has stated her credit will be ruined if she loses the home. "I have always dreamed of owning my own home free and clear but it has never happened for me". This is a real "Grassroots" effort to make the dream of home ownership come true for a lucky entrant.
She will read the essays and choose 100 to go to the next level. At that point, three independent, retired, Drumright, Oklahoma school teachers will choose the winner. The winner will own the home, "free and clear," and will receive a $50,000 allowance for the Extreme Home Makeover.
The deadline to enter is June 19 and the house will be awarded July 19.
To enter or see full contest details, visit, www.ebay.com, the item number is 4375758761.
Send mailed entries to L.A. Toms, P.O. Box 1233, Mauldin, S.C., 29662-1233
Woman Develops Unique Way to Sell Home- Grassroots Extreme Home Makeover
Contact Name: Lori Toms
Contact Email: loritoms@bellsouth.net
Contact Phone: 918-260-9596
Contact Email: loritoms@bellsouth.net
Contact Phone: 918-260-9596