CPA Review Course Honors Hundreds of Accounting Students with Scholarships

From: Roger CPA Review
Published: Thu Jul 30 2009

As the Spring 2009 season comes to an end, Roger CPA Review, the leader in CPA Exam preparation, is pleased to have honored hundreds of deserving accounting students with a scholarship for a full CPA Review Course. Scholarship recipients, coming from universities and colleges all over the country, have now joined the family of over 76,000 Roger CPA Review students that have prepared for the CPA Exam. Each award is valued at over $1900 and never expires. Recipients can choose between three flexible study formats, Live, Online or USB, in order to best suit their individual study needs and schedule.

Roger CPA Review is dedicated to helping accounting students throughout their educational and professional careers. The highly trained staff works hand in hand with colleges, accounting clubs, and accounting fraternities in order to educate students on the CPA Exam and CPA Licensure process. The company also offers students access to their library of dynamic and motivational online lectures in order to help students better understand difficult topics in their accounting classes. Roger CPA Review plans to continue building strong relationships with colleges nationwide by offering these helpful industry tools and ultimately honoring accounting students for their achievements.

For more information call 1-800-ROG-4CPA, email, or visit CPA Exam Review(

About Roger CPA Review:
Roger CPA Review is the foremost CPA Exam Review course dedicated to helping students pass the CPA Exam. Over the past 20 years, Roger’s unique RealResults™ system has combined motivational lectures, flexible study options, outstanding preparation textbooks with software, and excellent customer service to help more than 76,000 students succeed in their goal to pass the CPA Exam. Roger CPA Review offers three study formats: Live, Online and USB. Roger CPA Review’s reputation for excellence has made them the premier course offered by the Big 4 accounting firms and hundreds of firms nation-wide.  More information on their courses is available on their website,

Morgan Ives
Roger CPA Review
San Francisco, CA
Company: Roger CPA Review
Contact Name: Morgan Ives
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 1-800-ROG-4CPA

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