Fianna Fail Must Support The Greens In Government

From: Dunphy PR
Published: Wed Sep 09 2009

Speaking ahead of a meeting of the Green Party's membership this Saturday, the Clare County and Ennis Town Councillor said the Green party was prepared to implement change regardless of the political consequences or its popularity ratings in the opinion polls.

He said: "Being in Government right now is the most fantastic place the Green Party can be. Ireland is at a critical juncture and the Greens are in a position to demand the implementation of measures required to influence the establishment of sound fundamentals to Irish electoral, financial and planning structures. A question remains, however, over Fianna Fail's willingness to accept the change that is necessary and the unknown political consequences of that".

Councillor Meaney, who has been a party member for 20 years, added that the redrafting of the proposals on NAMA was only one element of the demands being sought by the Green Party of their Government partner.

He continued: "The NAMA Legislation only deals with consequences of the Wild West that was, or perhaps still is, the Irish banking sector. This lawless sector was presided over by our senior Government partner and made worse by the Dodge City planning and zoning decisions around the country. We possibly have the opportunity to set it right though I do not conceive the electorate will thank us for it. We should be prepared to take the hard decisions by securing the future of this country. Any party that fails to do so should not be in government."

Councillor Meaney admitted that, despite the pressure his party was placing on their Government partner, a General Election would undermine the country's ability to tackle the problems it now faced.

"The authority and mandate of this Government to introduce the measures required to correct national finances and the banking sector may be open to question. However, the political posturing and opportunistic headline-grabbing positions taken by political parties and opinion makers over the last number of weeks is an indication of the debate that would take place during a general election campaign. It is clear to me that a General Election would solve nothing and would only lead to more confusion, false promises, and the general appeasement of various interest groups due to the parochial and clientelist nature of the Irish political process.

"The focus, media and otherwise, should not be on whether the Greens walk from Government but on Fianna Fail shirking doing what is right and supporting the measures the Greens are prepared to support and once and for all put the Governance of this State on the right track. Any capitulation by Fianna Fail on this would require them to leave Government. This would spark a General Election that Ireland's reputation can ill afford, potentially transforming this country into a political basket case as well as an economic basket case.

"For the first time in our political history the Greens are not irrelevant and we would be foolish if we allowed that opportunity slip. We face political oblivion if we, as a small, policy orientated political party fail to use our position to shove our political partners down the route this State has failed to take in the past. Fianna Fail must support the Greens in Government", concluded Councillor Meaney.


Note To Editor:
- Brian Meaney, Clare Green Councillor is available for interview on 087-2152215. For further information see or email

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