Women In Music & Entertainment Network Hosts Full Day Conference on Entertainment Public Relations

From: OutLoud! Communications
Published: Mon May 23 2005

On Saturday June 11, 2005, Women In Music and Entertainment Network (W.I.M.E.N) will host their third installment in the Fashion, Art, Music and Entertainment (F.A.M.E) Mini Conference Series to provide insight into the world of entertainment publicity. To be held at the Hotel Pennsylvania in Midtown Manhattan aspiring publicists, entrepreneurs and participants interested in switching careers will be in attendance to dialogue with seasoned professionals, niche publicists and novice/independent PR specialists. After a wildly successful event of the same topic in 2004, the group decided a follow up event was appropriate after receiving numerous requests and inquiries from their 1000 plus membership.

The event will be a full day conference featuring panel discussions, PR workshops and a Keynote speaker. Attendants will get a full day of advice, anecdotes, tips and strategies for enhancing or starting their publicity career. "More than half of our members are into PR and we are about encouraging them to their full potential as an entrepreneur. We have secured some awesome panelist and hope that the attendees can leave with a clear understanding of what Public Relations is and how to break into it…" says Angela Stanley, Vice President of Media Relations & Special Events.

F.A.M.E Mini Conference Series is a monthly series that invites women from various areas of the music & entertainment industries to come out and talk about their careers and experiences from beginning to where they presently are. The panelists are encouraged to network with others in attendance to give participants a networking experience and an opportunity to share resources and build lasting relationships. Sponsorship opportunities are available for this event.

W.I.M.E.N is a membership organization dedicated to providing networking resources in the music and entertainment industries primarily to entrepreneurial women of color. For sponsorship opportunities contact Nakeeta Wills at Nakeetawills@yahoo.com. For media credentials call Melissa Baltazar at 646.207.2462.

Company: OutLoud! Communications
Contact Name: Melissa Baltazar
Contact Email: melissa@outloudcommunications.com
Contact Phone: 646.207.2462

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