short fiction explores prolonging life by extraordinary means

From: Smink Works Books
Published: Wed May 25 2005

In the wake of the controversial death of American woman Terri Schiavo, Smink Works Books is offering insightful fiction that prompts further thought about end-of-life choices and prolonging life by extraordinary means.

The story, Connections, by author Georgiann Baldino dramatizes what happens when Richard dies before his family can make end-of-life choices. After his father’s untimely death, Paul becomes a paramedic dedicated to saving lives. When a victim wants to give up, he works harder than ever to keep her alive. His mother, Martha, shares this belief in the sanctity of life. If Paul and Martha had been given a choice, they would have prolonged Richard’s life at any cost. Though they understand Richard is not coming back, Connections to him still inhabit their daily lives.

Georgiann Baldino is the author of three novels and numerous short stories. When asked about her story she said, "Words are inadequate to describe the loss of a loved one. So I had Martha call Paul and play music over the telephone. They don’t talk. The words won’t come, and the music fills a void they are not yet equipped to handle."

The free PDF download of Connections by Georgiann Baldino is available from the Smink Works Books site at
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