Logan Tod today announces the account win of one of the UK’s leading multi-channel retailers – ‘I Want One Of Those’ (IWOOT) website. It will be helping to improve IWOOT’s efficiency and effectiveness by converting more of its 100,000 weekly visitors into actual purchasers.
The win, and the addition of other new clients: Mothercare, Littlewoods and Renault, has led to year-on-year growth for Logan Tod. This has prompted the company to employ digital industry marketer - Mark Pinkerton. As a business partner, Pinkerton will take sole charge of the IWOOT account.
Matthew Giles, General Marketing Manger of IWOOT, is excited by the prospect of working with Logan Tod: "When we saw the conversion success Logan Tod has generated for other major e-commerce sites we had no doubts about working with them. With Logan Tod’s help, IWOOT is hoping to see a significant improvement in return on investment, especially in the run up to Christmas."
Matthew Tod, CEO of Logan Tod, said: "Logan Tod’s aim is to improve IWOOT’s conversion rate throughout the year and it will be tested and implemented in time for the Christmas rush. This will make sure IWOOT stays ahead of the pack throughout the autumn."
Tod adds: "E-retailers are spending more and more money on keyword advertising, direct marketing, and e-mail campaigns to generate greater interest in their sites. What they are losing sight of is how to convert that interest into revenue. We at Logan Tod help site owners convert the visits, generated by these big marketing tactics, into orders."
In order to turn IWOOT’s high traffic into hard cash, Logan Tod will be using web analytics tool HBX from WebSideStory to make use of the valuable data on the site. It will also change the site’s navigation, improve the internal search function, page layout and its calls to action. In addition, Logan Tod will be providing an advisory service to IWOOT and carry out A-B testing. This is where two different versions of the same page are designed and run simultaneously. For example, one page might have different calls to action and the other page will have a different font size. The aim is to see which one works better at guiding the customer and into buying an IWOOT product.
Logan Tod is expanding at such a rate that Pinkerton has been brought on board as a business partner. Pinkerton has an impressive CV with an MBA from Warwick University, plus seven years’ digital experience, including stints at PriceWaterhouseCoopers. He has also worked as a strategy consultant for Mercedes-Benz and LloydsTSB. Pinkerton’s role will be to help IWOOT understand how to improve their e-commerce capabilities. His addition is expected to be just one of ten new faces to join the company this year, as Logan Tod continues to go from strength-to-strength.
IWOOT is one of the UK’s leading multi-channel retailers selling ‘Stuff you don’t need… but you really, really want’. They sell products such as: gadgets, electronics, toys and gifts and has grown quickly, with a turnover last year of over £7million.
Editor’s notes
About Logan Tod & Co
Logan Tod & Co is an independent web agency, focused on helping companies achieve better results from e-business. The company ensures online activity creates more sales leads, sells more, saves money and improves ROI. The Logan Tod team does this by analysing data, managing the conversion process and developing techniques to maximise the effectiveness and efficiency of a website.
Logan Tod works closely with its clients, ensuring their site development is more business results driven and customer centric. Clients include Renault, Mothercare, Sharpes Bedrooms, Littlewoods, Adept Scientific and Yes Car.
Katy Howell
immediate future Ltd.
0845 408 2031
Logan Tod wants one of those – and gets it
Company: Logan Tod & Co
Contact Name: Katy Howell
Contact Email: pressoffice@immediatefuture.co.uk
Contact Phone: 0845 408 2031
Contact Name: Katy Howell
Contact Email: pressoffice@immediatefuture.co.uk
Contact Phone: 0845 408 2031