Shockrounds and Substance Abuse Testing Information Advice

From: MDM Group Inc.
Published: Thu Jun 09 2005

SANTA CLARA, CA, Jun 09, 2005 - MDM Group, Inc. (OTC.PK: MDDM) advises that Harrington Group Limited (HGR.AX) (HGRLF) today released a company "Fast Facts" statement to the Australian Stock Exchange.

As this represents a preliminary broker and investor marketing document it is required to be released to the Exchange prior to its dissemination. A copy can be accesses at under News Releases section or at under news for symbol "HGR". Fast Facts detail is as follows:

-- In February 2005 Harrington Group Limited (ASX: HGR) was reinstated to the Australian Stock Exchange following a $3.6 million capital raising and change of business.

-- Harrington Group in its primary focus on the Law Enforcement industry is commercializing two major emerging technologies that have significant short-term revenue potential.

1. The ShockRounds(TM) technology, positioned in the multi billion
dollar munitions and less lethal weapons markets, introduces an
electric charge into both traditional and rubber bullets.
ShockRounds(TM) rubber bullets enable law enforcement officers
to more effectively deal with incidents and riot or crowd
disturbances from a safer range. ShockRounds(TM) will be more
effective, provide greater officer safety and potentially save
lives. The production of functional prototype ShockRounds(TM)
is expected within several weeks.
2. The Sali*Chek(TM) Substance Abuse Technology (SAT) is market
ready and enables on-the-spot testing (via a saliva sample)
for illicit drugs that can include: THC, opiates, cocaine,
methamphetamine, amphetamine, and PCP. The SAT Sali*Chek(TM)
system incorporates a pocket-PC enabling drug testing
anywhere any time with instant recording, wireless printing
capability and integrity in protection of evidence.

-- In May 2005 HGR announced its intention to acquire a license, subject to shareholder approval, for the exclusive global rights to the patent-pending SAT technology through its major US shareholder (MDM Group Inc). There is a major demand for the SAT capability within the global law enforcement sector as well as in other industry applications where instant testing can address the significant problems of illicit drugs within our communities.

-- As announced in March 2005 Harrington has appointed a Scientific Advisory Board including Colonel (Ret) Dr. John Alexander a consultant to the U.S. Government and a world authority on less-lethal weapons, Dr Christopher Green (MD, PhD, FAAFS) Chairman of a Homeland Security Committee and forensic and electrophysiology specialist, Dr Ed Stephen (DVM), a specialist in bio-terrorism and bio-defense and Dr Allen Bain (PhD) an expert in the effect of electricity on humans.

-- The market opportunity for the SAT Sali*Chek(TM) system is immense given the prevalence of drug abuse and the associated costs to the community. For example,

-- In Victoria's current roadside drug testing trial, the ratio of
drivers testing positive for drugs (1/73) is three times that
of those exceeding the 0.05 drink driving limit.
-- The EU estimates community costs of drugged driving are 164
billion Euros annually.
-- Use of illicit drugs in the US workplace costs US$75 - $100
billion annually with 65 per cent of all accidents on the job
being alcohol or drug related. One company alone, General
Motors has stated that employee drug abuse costs them US$1
billion per year.
-- Substance abusers utilize 16 times as many health care benefits
and are 6 times more likely to file workers compensation
-- Health benefit utilization, in dollar terms, is 84 per cent
higher and substance abusers record 16 times more work
-- 17% of all U.S. workers regularly use substances of abuse.
-- The US with 5% of the world's population buys and consumes
60% of all illicit drugs.

-- For further information please see: and

MDM Group is a development stage Company focused on the Security, Biodefense and Homeland Security industries. See:

Safe Harbor Statement

The information in this release, other than historical information, may be considered forward-looking statements within the provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Projection and other forward-looking statements and management expectations regarding future events and/or financial performance of the Company -- although given in good faith -- are inherently uncertain and actual events and/or results may differ materially.

SOURCE: MDM Group, Inc

MDM Group is featured on a global investment research portal for defense and security.

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MDM Group, Inc.
Trevor Ruehs
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