Maybe you visit for web search, for video search, for weather, for reference, for software search, for deal, and many other leading web sites for your everyday life needs. Now you can do all these in a single website - is a search engine portal site that tries to meet your search needs in a single website. This site is well engineered to benefit the users in multiples aspects.
Best search results
Nowadays, search engine optimization (SEO) techniques are overwhelming on the internet. As a result, it is very hard for a search engine to generate a complete set of results in the right order. This is especially true for images, audio, video, and price searching. presents the results from multiple leading search engines simultaneously to ensure the best results. These leading search engines were very carefully picked to avoid redundancy in For example, only one set of image searching results from Yahoo or AltaVista were presented due to the identical backend engine. Moreover, constantly checks and integrates the best search service providers for each category. The users were guaranteed to get the best search result.
To be best knowledge of the author, includes the most categories of services among the peer sites. All these services are accessible to the user with only a single click. This would save the user's effort of finding the services providers and typing the URLs. Moreover, provides very convenient Toolbars and Plugins for browsers. These Toolbars and Plugins are guaranteed to be spyware free. Besides all these, sample codes were provided to ease the placement of GrabAll search box on other sites or link to as well.
For the convenience of comparison, will generate two sets of results for each search request by default. However, the user is free to personalize this behavior using the personalization tool. Other categories such as search engines and their orders of presents can be personalized as well. was developed and maintained by a small group of IT professionals. It was created purely for their personal interests of providing people more convenience in using the internet. No commercial was found on the site.