TOLEDO, Ohio – An informal study of the effectiveness of red-light cameras creates doubt about whether the cameras actually improve safety at the intersections.
The questionable results come as no surprise given the findings of other more scientific studies that clearly show red-light cameras do not reduce traffic accidents as effectively as making yellow lights last longer before turning to red.
A television station in Toledo recently conducted an informal study of police records. Reporters concluded that traffic accidents have increased at some intersections and slightly decreased at others. A valid, scientific study recently completed in Texas may offer insights to explain the confusion in Toledo.
The Toledo station reported that overall there was a drop in accidents by only 11 percent. The report by the Texas Transportation Institute indicates that the overall reduction in accidents in all cities could be improved to 40 percent by lengthening yellow lights instead of using red-light cameras.
A similar scientific study in Virginia came to the same conclusion. Red-light cameras are not as effective at reducing accidents as is lengthening how long the light remains yellow.
Another study completed by Liverpool University explains the cameras should not be given credit for improved safety statistics. That study showed that a spike in accidents at any location will return to normal traffic statistics whether a camera is installed or not. The Liverpool report termed this as "regression to the mean."
The findings of all these reports are not a surprise to Joe Scott of
"The belief that red-light cameras make intersections safer is a myth, and this report helps to show that years of complaints from angry drivers are valid," said Scott. His company manufactures a very popular spray that makes number plates unreadable to speed cameras.
PhotoBlocker (tm) is a simple aerosol spray that when applied to a license plate does not in any way alter the appearance of the plate to the naked eye, but the flash picture from a red-light camera makes the number on the plate unreadable.
"Drivers are tired of getting tickets they do not deserve. The cost in time and money to defend themselves is excessive, and so they would rather use our spray to save money by preventing the unjust tickets. We want our roads to be safe, and we do not encourage anyone to break the law. But we know how frustrating it is to get a ticket you do not deserve," explained Scott.
The demand for cans of PhotoBlocker (tm) spray grows steadily every month, and now anyone can become a marketing affiliate and make sales through a special web link that gives each independent sales rep commissions for each sale.
The company’s web site at provides full details about the product and the need for affiliates to help get it to more consumers.
The full report "Development of Guidelines for Treating Red-Light Running" by the Texas Transportation Institute is available on their web site. Similar results were announced by an early research study completed in Virginia, according to published reports.
Joe Scott
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Safety Benefit of Red-Light Cameras in Doubt
Company: PhantomPlate
Contact Name: Joe Scott
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Contact Phone: 703-624-9318
Contact Name: Joe Scott
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Contact Phone: 703-624-9318