Invisibility is the foe of every webmaster hoping to make an impact with Internet marketing. How does one maximize traffic to a website and generate sales? By maintaining top search engine ranking through careful use of keywords and monitoring a site’s position in comparison to its competitors’.
SEO Administrator 3.1 is a suite of seo tools designed to analyze all aspects of search engine promotion and optimize keyword selection and HTML relevance. The package includes tools such as Ranking Monitor, for evaluating a site’s rank on over 30 major international search engines via the site’s keywords, Link Popularity Checker, to catalog inbound links to a site and check for new and outdated links, an Indexing Tool for revealing the pages of a site that have been indexed by the major search engines, a Log Analyzer and a Page Rank Analyzer.
To refine keyword associations, SEO Administrator provides a built-in Keyword Suggestion Tool which ranks potential keywords for each page. When combined with the HTML Analyzer in the suite, webmasters get thorough analysis of keyword and keyphrase appearance page by page, on their own sites as well their competitors’. The functional details of each of SEO Administrator’s components are described at .
FlamingoSoft offers three versions of SEO Administrator: Standard, with basic ranking analysis, Professional, offering link popularity, site indexation and log analysis, and Expert, which includes advanced ranking tools and keyword analysis. Pricing begins at USD $70.00 and reaches $150.00 for the Expert version. Visit for details. A Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/2000/2003/XP/NT platform is required.
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Optimize Website Promotion With SEO Administrator
Company: FlamingoSoft
Contact Name: Nikita Melkin
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Contact Name: Nikita Melkin
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