Virtual Tales, an e-publisher of serialized novels and novellas spanning a variety of fiction genres and styles, announced that its Director of Marketing & Promotions, Sheri Gormley, will be the featured guest speaker at the monthly live chat sponsored by Long Ridge Writer’s Group on Thursday, November 16th from 5:00-7:00 p.m. PST. The chat is free to the public and can be accessed at Ms. Gormley will discuss the submission and publication process at Virtual Tales, and will give away 50 gift subscriptions to the e-serials published by Virtual Tales to participants chosen at random during the two-hour program.
Long Ridge Writers Group has taught thousands of aspiring authors how to find their own writing style and get published for over 30 years. Their monthly live chat is hosted by web editor and course instructor Mary Rosenblum, a noted Science Fiction & Fantasy author whose latest book, HORIZON, will be published by Tor Books later this month.
"In addition to giving our students and chat room visitors a heads up on the newly re-emerging serial market, Ms. Gormley will provide our visitors with a unique perspective on what it takes to write a modern-day serial," said Rosenblum. "Ms. Gormley is also the author of the Virtual Tales fantasy e-serial, THE EYE OF CAER WEILEN, so she will be able to tell visitors exactly what it’s like to write a successful serial."
"I am looking forward to chatting with the Long Ridge visitors about the revitalized serial story market, and about the writing process for serials," said Ms. Gormley. "Virtual Tales offers a unique marketplace for serial authors and fans—including fans of my own dragon-filled serial. Some of them have been reading about the legends of Caer Weilen for years, and I’m excited to have an opportunity to talk to them as well, and to provide interested readers with a way to try out a modern serial story with a free gift subscription."
Long Ridge Writers Group ( teaches students how to write both adult fiction and nonfiction in its writing course, "Breaking into Print." This unique home-study program pairs students of all ages with a personal instructor who guides students from their first assignment until program completion, from learning how to write, to finding a writing niche, and to finding a market for one’s writing.
Virtual Tales is a privately held partnership founded in December 2005 to deliver serialized fiction via e-mail to its subscribers through its website, It offers serialized novels in both general and genre fiction for prices starting at 39¢ per issue. The stories are delivered through email twice a week as PDF (Adobe Acrobat) files suitable for reading on a PC, Mac, PDA, e-reader or other devices with e-mail capabilities. All stories are available for a free trial subscription, so readers everywhere are encouraged to visit the website and sample the offerings at no cost or obligation.
Sheri Gormley of Virtual Tales to Appear as Guest Speaker
Company: Virtual Tales
Contact Name: Sheri Gormley
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 360-901-9725
Contact Name: Sheri Gormley
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 360-901-9725