As the name suggests wanted-online specialises in finding people what they want. Customers place their wanted advert online and let the seller find them.
It aims to be the cheapest advertising web site on the Internet and at the same time being as simple and straightforward as possible to navigate.
With wanted-online there are no hidden escalating prices so you can see clearly what your advertising costs are before you commit. For companies wanting to advertise for an on-going item its fee for a year is only £47.95
Key benefits are ease of navigation and cheap advertising costs, which start at only £1.95 for 1 week. Wanted-online caters for anybody who wants something and its friendly and approachable staff eager to help.
Paul Stanyon, co-founder and Managing Director says ‘After the extensive research we carried out before launch we have tried to make wanted-online easy to use whilst providing cheap advertising for our customers and are already looking at possibly a childrens corner for the young ones.
Wanted-online was launched in May 2005 and are based in Milton Keynes.
The idea came to us after a severely disabled uncle became frustrated at not being able to find a manual for his disabled car. Although there are other similar sites out there wanted-online focuses mainly on what people want and we feel there is a niche in the market for this.
Wanted Online Ads, What Do You Want?
Company: wanted-online
Contact Name: Paul Stanyon
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 01908 370106
Contact Name: Paul Stanyon
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 01908 370106