SoftInform Company announced a new release of its search system SearchInform 1.1.02.

From: SoftInform
Published: Thu Jun 30 2005

On June, 27 the SoftInform Company announced a new release of its search system SearchInform 1.1.02.

SeachInform is an up-to-date and unmatched tool for searching and processing information in text files, databases and informational systems. The search tool from SoftInform is based on a patent "similar documents search" technology, known as SoftInform Search Technology. It provides both individual end users and large companies with an efficient solution to any problems in searching information.

Surface refinements mainly referred to correcting some minor shortcomings in the Russian interface, some "bugs" in creating indexes and slightly changing the Smart Indexing function (it is now deactivated by default). An innovation of paramount importance is the implementation of documents rubrics system and automatic categorization in SearchInform 1.1.02.

The SoftInform Company positions its unsurpassed application primarily as a corporate tool for searching information in the local enterprise network (covering documents of virtually any format), informational systems, DBMS, CRM and so on. What is more, SearchInform 1.1.02 is lightning-fast at processing queries and tackles search in virtually any volume of information. The most significant advantage of the presented solution is the consolidated control of information from various sources. The SearchInform 1.1.02 rubricator is a swift and convenient tool for sorting any documents into the categories specified by user.

In addition to the rubricator, the new version of SearchInform features the automatic documents categorization system that automatically sorts new documents into the existing rubrics according to the overall similarity principle. The proposed approach to organizing and consolidating data allows structuring informational components of any large enterprise within the framework of one application. With all this you won't have to convert your documents and data into a single format. All information available for indexing and further search will be sorted, structured and displayed in a most convenient way.
SeachInform provides prompt document search and structures data in the corporate network. It gives you power over information. It gives you the ability to act while other are still searching.

More details about SearchInform. Version 1.1.02 on the official site:
If you have any questions, please write to
Company: SoftInform
Contact Name: Max Maglias
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Contact Phone: 2197964

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