St. John’s, Newfoundland : Canadian contemporary painter Ran Andrews is pleased to announce that he will represent his country at the upcoming
Biennale Internazionale dell’Arte Contemporanea, in Florence, Italy.
The fifth edition of the Florence Biennale will take place in the historical Fortezza da Basso from 3 to 11 December 2005. The Biennale artists are emerging and career contemporary artists chosen by the internal committee and are coming from all over the world to share their vision. Despite their differences of language and faith, they find a common language in art to communicate their cultural values. For this reason, in 2001, the United Nations recognized the Florence Biennale as an official partner in the program "Dialogue Among Nations". The last exhibition was defined as a wonderful Biennale, with 890 artists from 72 countries illustrating Kofi Annan's statement: "Artists have a special role to play in the global struggle for peace. At their best, artists speak not only to people; they speak for them. Art is a weapon against ignorance and hatred and an agent of public awareness… Art opens new doors for learning, understanding, and peace among people and nations."
Ran will exhibit and compete for the prestigious Lorenzo il Magnifico gold medal with three paintings from his well known Goddesses series:
Erzuli : Voudou goddess of passion, pleasure and prosperity. Oil on canvas 2003.
Nemesis : Greek goddess of devine retribution. Oil on canvas 2004.
Liberty : a contemporary version of the Roman goddess of personal freedom.
Oil on canvas 2005.
Ran Andrews to exhibit at the XXXI anniversary Batik Show in Barcelona, Spain
Barcelona Spain: Canadian expressionist painter Ran Andrews, has accepted the invitation of GRUPO BATIK ART to participate and show six pieces of recent works in oil at their main gallery in Barcelona Spain, Sala Barna, September 9 – 29, 2005.
Batik Art Group is an alliance of art publications, galleries, critics and artists with 30 years of history in the art world.
Sala Barna, the most spacious gallery in the country of Spain hosts this event.
Well known in the city as a place where personalities of the social, political and cultural world get together. Their famous anniversary Batik show presents to the public and introduces into the art market international contemporary artists´ work from a variety of trends to their collectors, to the critics, media and public in general.
Attention St. John’s media and listings: Sneak Preview Show
St. John’s based Canadian expressionist painter Ran Andrews will preview works in oil for his upcoming international exhibitions in Barcelona Spain and Florence Italy with an exhibition at Roxxy’s in Holdsworth Court, off George Street in downtown St. John’s. All Summer Long - 7 days a week – after 4 pm
To arrange media interviews: 709 728 5165
Online Press Kit :
Online Gallery :
Biennale Information :
Grupo Batik Information :
Ran Andrews invited to show at Florence Biennale Art Exhibition
Company: atelier ran
Contact Name: noo andrews
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 709 728 5165
Contact Name: noo andrews
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 709 728 5165