Wolfestone supports young talent

From: Wolfestone Translation
Published: Tue Aug 10 2010

The awards are bestowed upon the most deserving and able translators currently studying for a Masters in Translation with Language Technology at the University of Swansea. They were presented during this year’s graduation ceremony held at the Patti Pavilion on the 19th of July.

The two awards were for the best overall performance during the entire MA course, and for the best use of language technology in translation. Competition was fierce for both awards – by definition, anyone who attains a Master’s Degree in a subject has extensive and deep expertise in it, meaning that the shortlist for both awards consisted of the entirety of the enrolment. The two winners were, therefore, the absolute cream of the crop.

The award for the best overall performance was lifted by Chloe Driscoll. It was described by Professor Andy Rothwell as "being very easy to award conspicuously failed to achieve any marks lower than distinction level", and Miss Driscoll walked away with the Wolfestone Prize for Translation, a certificate, a trophy and a cheque for £500. The Wolfestone Prize for Best Use of Language Technology was awarded to Michal Glowacki, who, by coincidence, is also an ex-Wolfestone intern. He gained his accolade for the best use of language technology and he was rewarded with a certificate, a trophy and the sum of £250. Both now intend to pursue a career in the language services industry, and will in all likelihood work for Wolfestone from time to time.

This will continue something which is rapidly becoming a tradition, that being Masters graduates completing their courses at the University prior to becoming key members of staff at Wolfestone. Currently, just under a third of Wolfestone staff are alumni of the Masters in Translation with Language Technology. Wolfestone is proud of its support for local talent and this support is set to both continue and increase. Director Roy Allkin said "The partnership we enjoy with the University is mutually beneficial and something we both feel we get great benefits from. The talent that abounds in Swansea is incredible and it is such a shame if it isn’t recognised, rewarded and developed. Wolfestone are very proud to have employed so much of the linguistic excellence that has come through the University."
Company: Wolfestone Translation
Contact Name: wolfe1
Contact Email: mandy@wolfestone.co.uk

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