TENANTS in south Edinburgh have said yes to plans to transfer their council homes to a non-profit-making body.
Dunedin Canmore Housing Association is expected to take ownership of the 212 properties in Hyvots and Moredun Park at the end of the year.
The City of Edinburgh Council is supporting the transfer in return for a £10 million investment to improve the properties and surrounding area.
Ewan Fraser, the chief executive designate of Dunedin Canmore, said: "WeÂ’ll be working closely with tenants to improve the quality of their homes. IÂ’m delighted local residents have said yes to the transfer and look forward to work starting on site."
He added that the Association, a charitable body, would give tenants a greater say in how their area will be managed in the future.
Tenants were balloted on the transfer last month, with 76 per cent of voters backing the change of landlord. The result has just been announced.
The move is part of a £40 million regeneration project, involving demolition, new build and improvements to the Hyvots/Moredun Park area. The initiative involves the Scottish Executive, the City Council, the Government body Communities Scotland and Dunedin Canmore. The partners have been working closely with local residents to shape their plans.
As part of the transfer proposals, double glazing, gas central heating, new kitchens and new bathrooms will be installed in the old council properties – along with other improvements.
Dunedin Canmore will also clean up garden space and provide better car parking facilities, as well as better lighting and new door entry systems.
Said Mr Fraser: "The list of improvements have been drawn up after close consultation with tenants. We’re hoping the transfer from the council should take place before the end of the calendar year – and that improvement works will start in February 2006.
"Coupled with other work in the area, we think this will make Hyvots and Moredun Park one of the most attractive places to live in the city."
Councillor Sheila Gilmore, the Council’s executive member for community safety and housing said: "I’m delighted that a successful transfer of homes will unlock a massive £10 million investment in the properties and surrounding environment. It will make a real difference to both tenants and homeowners for generations to come."
The housing association has pledged that all existing tenants will have their rent levels protected for the first five years. Thereafter, any annual rises are expected to be no more than inflation.
"WeÂ’ll be using government grant aid and private finance to carry out the improvements to the houses. In the longer term, weÂ’re committed to maintaining rents at levels tenants can afford," said Mr Fraser.
Dunedin Canmore Housing Association manages nearly 4000 homes around Edinburgh, West Lothian and Fife.
The Association was formed as a result of the 2005 merger of Dunedin Housing Association and Canmore Housing Association. The original groups were formed in 1975 to carry out tenement rehabilitation work in the Fountainbridge, Dalry, and Gorgie areas of Edinburgh. Since then their work – and property portfolio – has substantially increased.
The merged Association is a Scottish charity and operates on a not-for-profit basis.
You can find out more about the Association online at
The properties being transferred to Dunedin Canmore as a result of the ballot are in the following streets:
ï‚· Gilmerton Dykes Road
ï‚· Gilmerton Dykes Street
ï‚· Hyvot Court
ï‚· Hyvot Gardens
ï‚· Hyvot Green
ï‚· Hyvot Park
ï‚· Hyvot View
ï‚· Moredun Dykes Road
ï‚· Moredun Park Gardens
ï‚· Moredun Park Green
ï‚· Moredun Park Grove
ï‚· Moredun Park Street
ï‚· Moredun Park View
ï‚· Moredun Park Walk
Issued by THEPRSTORE on behalf of Dunedin Canmore Housing Association
For more information, please contact
Adrian Mahoney, The PR Store
T: 01506 823714
M: 07967 150560
E: Adrian@theprstore.net
Ewan Fraser
Dunedin Canmore Housing Association
193 Dalry Road, Edinburgh, EH11 2EF
T: 0131 622 8001
A separate release has been issued by the City of Edinburgh Council on the ballot and transfer.
For more information from the council, contact:
Joanna Schlesinger
Depute Communications Manager, Housing Service, the City of Edinburgh Council
T: 0131 529 7920
M: 07881 547 182
Edinburgh tenants say yes to new landlord
Company: Dunedin Canmore Housing Association
Contact Name: Adrian Mahoney
Contact Email: adrian@theprstore.net
Contact Phone: 01506 823714 or 07967 150560
Contact Name: Adrian Mahoney
Contact Email: adrian@theprstore.net
Contact Phone: 01506 823714 or 07967 150560