Réflectiv’s adhesive films light up windows

From: French Technology Press Bureau (FTPB)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2005

By partially or fully obscuring windows, this decorative frosted film (which makes any window into frosted glass) preserves privacy without reducing light: it can be used on ground-floor facings or internal walls, and in many different places, such as schools, hospitals, laboratories, computer rooms, museums and for office partitioning.

The ‘one-way mirror’ film lets users see without being seen. It plays on the light balance phenomenon – in reaction to a stronger light, this film becomes a reflective screen. On one side it reflects the image like a mirror, while retaining glass-like transparency on the other.

The coloured films are used to create a special atmosphere, or to provide originality, warmth and gaiety, while preserving the window's transparency. The stained films, by diffusing the light, reproduce stained glass to perfection. They lighten stairwells, colour bathrooms, and liven windows, French windows and bow windows.

These materials meet strict standards of quality, reliability and durability. All Réflectiv films are easy to clean. They do not require maintenance, or any particular care, and are easy to change.

About Réflectiv

Created in 1981 and based in the Paris region, Réflectiv has an annual production capacity of 2 million square metres, and consequently maintains a permanent stock.

For further information, please go to: www.reflectiv.com

Company: French Technology Press Bureau (FTPB)
Contact Name: Kate AMBLER
Contact Email: kambler.ftpb@ubifrance.fr
Contact Phone: (44)020-7235-5330

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