Brough, East Yorkshire, July 20, 2005 – Rectifi is a shopping feed website like no other. Operating on a shoestring budget it donates 100% of all profits directly to charity. Like many other sites, Rectifi displays sponsored results within its listings; every click on one of these links generates commission, which is passed on directly to a variety of charity organisations. is not merely about generating income for charities, but is also intended to educate and inform the user on a whole host of issues affecting the environment and the world’s most disadvantaged people.
The site is run by 22-year-old Jonny Platt, a student of Development Studies at Sussex University. It is the successor to ‘Give As You Get’, a shopping site originally set up in December 2002 in response to the extreme poverty and inequality he witnessed as a volunteer in India.
Jonny cites Rectifi as a way for shoppers to raise money for charity at no cost to themselves. It is ‘not a solution nor revolution but at least a stepping stone towards something better’ he claims. There is certainly the potential for this to become a significant new form of income for charitable organisations and, further to that, a hub for information and action on issues of conscience. So far the site has supported charities including Action Against Hunger, Homeless Direct, and Greenpeace, and carried features on issues such as energy saving, pollution reduction and the ‘Make Poverty History’ campaign.
Rectifi offers a variety of features, each one not only benefiting the user, but also supporting a range of charities:
- A price comparison system similar to Kelkoo, Dealtime or Pricerunner allows the user to find the best deal whilst raising money for charity.
- The user can compare deals on personal and business finance, with all profits from commission going directly to charity
- Users searching eBay through the site earn money for charity with every bid placed.
- Shopping for anything from beer to car rentals can generate as much as 20% commission, of which all profit is donated to charity.
Jonny Platt has been involved in volunteering and aid work for many years. He has worked as a face-to-face fundraiser, a volunteer in hospitals in the south of India, and will shortly be starting a year’s voluntary work in Vietnam doing fundraising and PR in a school for street children.
New Concept in Online Shopping – Website With a Conscience Donates All Profits to Charity
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Contact Name: Matthew Wilkinson
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