Hispanic radio listeners are favorable towards and open to listening to Country music, according to a new survey conducted by Edison Media Research on behalf of the Country Radio Broadcasters. Yet, potential listening among Hispanic consumers is hampered by a lack of awareness of their local stations and a perceived lack of outreach by Country radio.
Full results of Edison’s study, "The Hispanic American Relationship to Country Radio and Music," were unveiled at the 38th annual Country Radio
Seminar. The study of 600 Hispanics nationwide, age 12-49, and their relationship with Country music was commissioned by the CRB to examine the
growth potential of the format among America’s most rapidly expanding demographic group.
The good news for Country music is that nearly a quarter of Hispanics age 12-49 say that they enjoy listening to Country music (24%) and another 42%
say they "do not listen to Country music but they would be open to listening more." Only one-third of Hispanics say they dislike Country music and would never listen – a number in line with what is seen among whites.
The best-known Country artists, the Dixie Chicks and Shania Twain were familiar to only about half the sample, compared to the more than 90% who are familiar with Shakira and Christina Aguilera. Similarly, the most popular Country artists in the survey, Shania Twain and Garth Brooks are liked by about 15% of the respondents, compared to 45% for Shakira and around 30% for Latin superstars Daddy Yankee and Mana.
In addition, only 38% of Hispanics are aware of a Country radio station in their area.
One of the most significant findings points to tremendous untapped potential for growth of Country radios Hispanic listener base: Out of all surveyed participants, 41% agree that "Country radio stations are not interested in appealing to Hispanic listeners." The results indicate that Country radio would benefit greatly from increased outreach to Hispanics: 56% of those who say they like or are open to Country music say that seeing an ad on Spanish television would lead them to listen more.
Larry Rosin, President of Edison Media Research concludes, "You reap what you sow. Country music only needs to make itself available to Hispanics,
and then court them. Listening will almost assuredly go up."
CRB’s incoming President elect Becky Brenner of KMPS in Seattle adds, "This potential increase in audience for Country radio and Country music
is very exciting. We must figure out a way to tap into this rapidly growing demographic. The CRB will be analyzing the research in detail with a view to examining what the next steps will be." Brenner also noted, "For those who missed the presentation, I would encourage you to review the full study on CRB.org."
Edison Media Research conducts survey research and provides strategic information to radio stations, television stations, newspapers, cable networks, record labels, Internet companies and other media organizations. For further information visit www.edisonresearch.com.
The Country Radio Broadcasters, Inc is a non-profit organization founded in 1969 to bring radio broadcasters from around the world together with the Country music industry for the purpose of ensuring the continued vitality of the Country radio format. They do this by idea sharing and education through an annual convention called the Country Radio Seminar. Country Radio Seminar is a registered trademark of Country Radio Broadcasters, Inc.
New Edison Media Research/CRB Inc Study Finds Majority Of Hispanics Are Favorable Towards Or Open To
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