SoftInform Company released a next version of iNetAdviser 4.5 on the 15th of August. iNetAdviser functionality has been intensified by new image handling features – now the program can also work as image viewer.
You can view images stored on different types of data carriers, no matter what it is – your Hard Drive or a CD. The program displays catalogue structure of disk, and all you need is to specify the folder with images you wish to view, and just enjoy the slide show. Of course, new features do not include image-handling features only. If you wish, you can save all or selected images into iNetAdviser archive to work with them later. You can provide imported images with your comments, get them rated and bind them to one or few rubrics. You can organize a list from selected images to view them in slide show mode, and much more.
The implementation of image-handling features can be considered as putting of another brick in to the huge and at the same time solid pyramid of iNetAdviser’s abilities. It seems, boundaries set by slogan "all-in-one tool for the comfortable work in the Internet" become rather narrow for iNetAdviser, because now one can feel the power of iNetAdviser even staying offline. New abilities allow positioning iNetAdviser to a new market of applications intended for viewing graphic files (images) and handling them.
Program’s multifunctionality amazes imagination! INetAdviser includes functionality of multi-window browser, ad and pop up blocker, bookmarks manager, and, since version 4.1, functionality of full powered image manager.
But when simply listing program’s functionality, we must not forget about its originality. INetAdviser allows For instance, the program allows highlighting the previously visited web links in a special way (strikeout by default). You can always refresh your memory and remember the contents of a particular web page by simply hovering you mouse over the link, which makes the program display a pop-up hint containing all the page-related information, including the last view date, your personal web page comments, its rating and even the way it looks! Thanks to this feature one quick look is enough to instantly tell, if the web page is worth opening, maybe you have already completely read it?
Note, when utilizing iNetAdviser you can always precisely determine on what pages of current site you have already been, get their full description, and also easily browse to any of these pages. All these and many others features, are available owing to iNetAdviser’s ability to store information about all visited pages and use it both when working with links, and during browsing session.
Among other useful features we should mention ability to manage opened Internet Explorer windows, ability to translate and invoice web-pages, ability to form quick groups with thematic pages and URL aliases for fast access to frequently viewed pages. And the list of features is not yet complete.
Having such a powerful tool as iNetAdviser means having multi-purpose helper, which saves your precious time when you work in the Internet and allows working with images gathered both from the internet and from various data handlers.
SoftInform Company released a next version of iNetAdviser 4.5
Company: SoftInform
Contact Name: Max Maglias
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Contact Phone: 2197964
Contact Name: Max Maglias
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 2197964