IXC Softswitch Installed by Ukrainian Telecommunication operator «I.P.S»

From: IntereXchange Carrier
Published: Thu Aug 18 2005

CSJC «Commercial and Industrial House ‘I.P.S.’», one of Kyiv telecommunication operators that provides a wide range of high-quality connection services, installed a VoIP platform within the upcoming project of providing a new service of "Package Telephony". The platform consists of a softswitch with a function of VoIP traffic conversion from SIP protocol into H.323 protocol and vice versa.

IXC Softswitch, which serves the basis of this solution, made it possible for the company to implement the following functionality:
· To gain maximum automation and unification of clients’ connection to the telephone operator network, using the networks with package data transmission (VoIP).
· To keep accounting of sessions between subscribers on the Softswitch level, without completing calls on PSTN;
· To translate correctly subscribers’ A-numbers, even in case of wrong equipment set-up.
· To support different equipment on clients’ side (either H.323 or SIP devices) using only one unified architecture of connection to the service.

Wide international experience of IXC company and high professional level of specialists ensured introduction and installation of the system, as well as its mergence with existing infrastructure of the company within the shortest terms.

Sergey Bondarenko, Chairman of the Board, CSJC «Commercial and Industrial House ‘I.P.S.’»:
"Installation of IXC Softswitch provided us the opportunity to enlarge significantly the possibilities of rendered services, as well as improve substantially their qualitative characteristics. Thus, we came to full satisfaction of growing customers’ demand on the telecommunication market."

Alexey Vinogradov, Chairman of the Board, "IXC":
"Possibilities of IXC Softswitch enable to meet any unique customer’s demands. I’m convinced that combination of advanced technologies of our company and longstanding experience of successful operations in telecommunication sphere of CSJC «TCH ‘I.P.S.’», will allow our new partner to consolidate and improve qualitative parameters of services provided, as well as guarantee to the clients reliable and good-quality connection".

About CSJC «I. P.S.»
"CSJC «Commercial and Industrial House ‘I.P.S.’» was founded in 1990 and today it is the leading operator of telecommunication services in Kiev, Ukraine. The company serves mainly business structures and Kiev State organizations. The basis of high quality services is contemporary digital switching systems from manufacturers of advanced telecommunication equipment, as well as widely spread fiber-optic network and high professional level of specialists. By introducing additional phone numbers in 594 index, the company increases the number of its clients and starts rendering communication services to urban population."

About «IXC» (IntereXchange Carrier).
Ukrainian company IXC develops a wide range of applications for IP-telephony operators. The company has been operating since 1999 and during this time it has implemented more than 100 projects. Portfolio of the company constitutes systems of billing, softswitch and system of statistics collection. With the purpose of promotion and support of its products, the company has created a network of representation offices and joint ventures located in Russia, Greece and USA.
Web-site: www.ixc.ua
Company: IntereXchange Carrier
Contact Name: Irina Kuzmenko
Contact Email: irina@interexc.com
Contact Phone: +380442399740

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