For immediate release
August 18, 2005
Contact: Michael Tretyakov
Company: Actual Tools
Actual Tools today announced the launch of Actual Window Manager for Traders program which is designed to provide stock traders with adequate software tools for simple and convenient working with multiple trading programs on the Windows-based platforms. The company is planning to provide corporate stock trading communities with a 30-day evaluation version, and flexible pricing options for the purchase of Actual Window Manager, as well as, free technical support and upgrades.
Actual Window Manager is the top selling desktop enhancement suite that features over 40 new utilitarian functions for fast and convenient multitasking in several applications. Traders will be able to put any selected windows on top, roll them up like blinds, minimize applications to any suitable place on the desktop, set window size and position, etc. As the program is resident and active transparently throughout the Operating System, new functions are available in any application or system window and can be triggered via Windows-style title bar buttons.
Stock traders are most likely to benefit from the Stay-on-Top function which enables them to place various charts, chat room windows, time and sales windows on top of other trading applications so that their content remains always visible. With the Roll-Up/Unroll function, applications, which are floating on top, can be minimized to their title bars. This option allows traders to free the desktop space and glance at background windows while saving the taskbar from window clutter. Also, traders can minimize inactive applications to the system tray or any other suitable desktop place.
Actual Window Manager is already helping stock traders at Gapping Stocks R Us improve their efficiency. David Kuvelas, president of the company, says: "I am a stock trader and I work with INET and ARCA plus various java charts, time and sales windows, scanning software, chat rooms that sit on top of other windows, mostly L2 trading software. So, it becomes a huge pain to have to bring those windows up every time you make a trade. Literally, you can be bringing up 5-10 windows 100-200 times during the trading day. Recently we turned to Actual Window Manager. With its Stay-on-Top and Roll-Up functions, it has become a true lifesaver for us."
Windows is multifunctional and sometimes we work with several different applications. While typing something in MS Word, you need for example, to follow information in internet browser. Push Win-T (on/off transparent effect) and one window will become transparent and you will solve your task easily. Besides, usage of transparent windows reduces negative effect on your eyes! Our user Kevin Wisner wrote us: "I'm a stock daytrader with four monitors, and many applications running. I currently use 70% transparency with ghosting to overlay one stock chart over another stock chart. This allows me access to the "lower" stock chart while still viewing the transparent ghosted stock chart.".
The enhancement of the standard window navigating system will help traders organize their computer working environment and eliminate such common problems as window clutter in the taskbar, nonflexible window behavior and unexpected data loss. Besides, traders will no longer have to make thousands of distracting clicks, bringing up each application window 200 times a day. Less confusion will obviously lead to less tension, stress and fatigue.
Actual Window Manager is designed for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP/2003 and priced at $39.95 (USD) for individual traders. Corporate customers are encouraged to take advantage of our special volume sales discounts. For more information, visit our website at: .
About Actual Tools
Founded in 2001, Actual Tools is the leading innovator in desktop enhancement technology, focused on producing powerful system enhancement applications for the Windows platforms. We help people innovate and increase efficiencies by offering powerful and cost-effective solutions and services worldwide.
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Actual Window Manager helpa stock traders improve business efficiency
Company: Actual Tools
Contact Name: Michael Tretyakov
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Contact Name: Michael Tretyakov
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