Utility Warrior – Software Utilities At Aggressive Prices

From: Utility Warrior
Published: Sun Aug 21 2005

London, UK – Utility Warrior are proud to announce the launch of their new company that aims to provide useful software utilities at prices that are significantly lower than their competition whilst providing free future upgrades.

With the launch of their first three related Adobe PDF products, Utility Warrior are providing a comprehensive set of utilities that will appeal to a broad spectrum of users - and at prices that won't break the bank.

From supporting Software Developers with the utility in a software library format that allows royalty free use within their own applications, through System Integrators/Solution Providers that can use the utility in a batch/command line environment to normal End Users who can use the Windows Desktop version.

"Why are our prices so much lower than other companies? Because we leverage the great work that has been produced through Open Source. We don't try to hide the fact that we build upon the work of others (or that we "stand on the shoulders of giants" to quote Isaac Newton)", said Adrian Nelson, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Utility Warrior.

This openness is a refreshing change of attitude as is Utility Warrior's policy of free upgrades. "It's our belief that if you pay for a product once then you shouldn't have to pay for it again just to get a few new features" explained Adrian.

For more information on Utility Warrior and the utilities that are available please visit their web site at www.UtilityWarrior.com.
Company: Utility Warrior
Contact Name: Adrian nelson
Contact Email: productmanager@utilitywarrior.com

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