Sick and tired of filling in numerous online web forms and trying to remember all the passwords you have? Forget the trouble. Just enter your personal data into a profile once, and let iNetFormFiller do the job. This program will allow you to easily avoid performing routine operations and can fill in a most complex web form with just a single mouse-click on your part!
On the Internet, places where form-filling is required are plenty. You have to specify your username and password to access a secure resource, you have to provide some personal data to login or register, or when subscribing to a newsletter. Examples are numerous. In all these cases we actually deal with the so-called web forms, which serve as a bridge between your machine and the server that receives the submitted data.
INetFormFiller is one of the latest innovative applications in the field of automatic form-filling and is interesting for two chief reasons. One the one hand, it supports most of the characteristic features of the software of this kind; on the other one – it does incorporate a number of ground-breaking functionality enhancements that can make your work on the Internet a great deal more efficient, whether you need to register at some online resource, fill in a web form, make an online order in an e-shop etc. And the best part is, little or n user guidance is required – iNetFormFiller is truly automatic.
After you install iNetFormFiller, you’ll see a new toolbar in your browser that lets you easily access all the tools you need. By utilizing these tools you can streamline your form-filling activities significantly.
Using iNetFormFiller we can prepare all the data necessary to automatically fill in a web form later on. This includes specifying your first and last name, date of birth, field of occupation, country, some information concerning the organization you work for and its products and or services. The availability of the previously entered data allows you to greatly save your precious time on the Internet, since you won’t need to desperately type in loads of required information and worry about possible data loss which is common online.
When iNetFormFiller encounters an unknown web form, it attempts to fill it in with the data available in the currently active profile. However, it’s likely that the form will not be completely filled. In that case, you can always complete it manually and save it. The data you enter will be stored together with this web form and next time you visit the page, the web form on it will be completely ready for submission. Additionally, you can always modify the web form with your personal data any time, even when offline. This feature is usually present in most popular form-filling software programs. However, iNetFormFiller, as distinct from other similar software will always store your web forms’ look and feel – in other words, your saved web forms will look exactly the way they do online, which simplifies your work a lot. Besides, after you’ve finished your work online, you can browse through al the web forms you dealt with during, say, the last session and modify them offline as though they were real forms on the Net.
When revisiting a web page, iNetFormFiller allows not only auto filling the familiar forms, but also submitting them automatically. For instance, is we find ourselves at a web form we already once filled in and the program is configured to auto submit the data, the given web form will appear completely filled in and will be submitted instantly.
On the web we often have to deal with not just a single web form, but rather with a sequence of them. And the next web form is usually accessible only when the first one has been submitted. This means the process of filling in a specific form is includes several stages. In this case iNetFormFiller can really become an excellent time-saver, letting you avoid many and many routine operations. Once all the required forms are completed, the next time you need to perform the same task, all you’ll have to do is set the necessary profile as default and load the necessary web page. It’s as simple as that. All the registration work will be done by iNetFormFiller, who will automatically walk through all the stages necessary.
Sometimes, however, the registration process can be complicated, since at one of the intermediate stages you’re required to click some hyperlink (say, to select some subcategory from the list of available categories). And the requirement is, you cannot click it until you successfully filled in the previous form. For instance, many resources will not allow you to access the web form to fill in unless you authenticate (that is provide your username and password). Only then is it possible to access the available subsections of the resource where other forms it fill become available.
None of the known software programs are capable of overcoming an obstacle like this. A typical software form-filler will just fill in the first web form, which includes the authentication information and then halt, since it doesn’t detect any other forms to fill. iNetFormFiller can address this problem by delivering the award-winning ‘record navigation feature’. In our case you only need to enable clicks recording from the start – and apart from saving the web forms data, iNetFormFiller will additionally ‘memorize’ all the hyperlinks you click on to reproduce the whole process automatically later on.
The second problem with other software of that kind is that it doesn’t correctly process web pages with more than one online form. They basically fail to decide, which form to process and just do nothing. iNetFormFiller enables you to easily specify, which one of the available web forms should be used by default thus addressing this issue.
Thanks to the above-mentioned features the registration process with iNetFormFiller can become truly automatic. You only have to go through the whole thing once, and next time the procedure becomes a piece of cake, even if you are using completely new data.
When attempting to fill in an unknown web form, iNetFormFiller, similarly to most other popular form-fillers, will try to automatically find an appropriate field from the currently active profile and use the corresponding values. However, such an intellectual job can sometimes lead to errors, since the program can’t always correctly ‘guess’ which exactly input data is expected for this or that field. Such ‘unclear’ fields will be usually left unfilled, and the user will have to complete them manually. Things can be still worse, when the fields are not detected properly and the data is taken from other, formally similar profile fields (for instance, the program jumbles ‘company homepage url’ with ‘my homepage’). In such situation the user has to first delete the wrong values and then manually input the right ones.
That’s exactly why iNetFormFiller provides another unique feature -- the ability to manually bind a field in a web form to a corresponding field in a specific profile. By utilizing this feature you can exactly specify what profile field should be used to fill in a given field in a web form.
Manual binding, clicks recording, saving web forms to a convenient format and other unique features only available in iNetFormFiller make the program truly stand out compared to other software performing similar functions. Thanks to these innovative capabilities iNetFormFiller can be called the only 100% automating tool in its field, since it’s capable of automatically performing the process of filling in web forms and doing complex registrations from A to Z while requiring little or no user guidance.
Intuitive and easy-to-use, offering integration with a browser familiar to you, iNetFormFiller can make an excellent assistant for anyone who decides to streamline working with information on the Internet. Whether we need to submit our homepage to search engines, purchase some items online in an e-shop or speculate on the Stock Exchange – you can always rely on iNetFormFiller who will save loads of youê precious time, enough to do twice as planned.
Company: SoftInform
Contact Name: Max Maglias
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Contact Phone: 2197964
Contact Name: Max Maglias
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Contact Phone: 2197964