Most Companies Have Unclaimed Refunds Due, But Only 2 Percent Collect

Published: Mon Aug 29 2005

DOYLESTOWN, Penn. – Most companies could save 18 to 28 percent or more on telecommunications services of all kinds, but it takes a specially trained analyst to find the billing mistakes that mean added funds for cash-strapped companies.

"Most companies keep close tabs on labor costs, but few take the time to scrutinize their communications expenses the way they analyze their labor costs," explained Frank Stoczko telecommunications analyst. "Most business managers look at a phone bill, shrug their shoulders, and authorize the bill to be paid without another thought. They just assume it must be right. Unfortunately it is wrong most of the time and they are paying too much every month."

It is possible to find errors on past and current bills and then get a complete refund, but it takes a trained eye to spot the mistakes. Stoczko said that after 17 years the mistakes are easy for him to find.

"It is not just a matter of finding the mistakes," he explained. "The phone companies will not even consider a refund unless you know how to present your findings, and how to negotiate for reimbursement."

Recently Stoczko saved one of his clients 72 percent on his cellular phone and 57 percent will continue to be saved in future years. He said his most recent clients saved 20 to 49 percent by using his services.

Stoczko is not associated with any telecom vendors and does not try to sell clients new services. He is an independent consultant and provides more information on his web site at

About Team NCTY
The name Team NCTY is an acronym for Telecom Expense Analysis Management – No Cost To You, which is exacty what the company does for clients nation wide. Created by Frank Stoczko, Team NCTY has the ability to recover for client companies significant funds that would otherwise be lost forever. Stoczko has over 17 years of experience finding errors on telecommunications billing that his clients were unaware were even there.

Frank Stoczko

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