Tel Aviv, Israel, March 7, 2005 — MaxBill, a global leader in complete and cost-effective financial solutions, today announced the availability of its enhanced customer-centric, thin client MaxCare application, which has already been successfully implemented at several customers. MaxCare is a component of MaxBill’s modular, integrated Customer Care & Billing product suite.
MaxCare’s Enhanced Features Increase Efficiency and Effectiveness
MaxCare’s enriched thin client capabilities enable high performance access to all information and applications on enterprise networks, intranets, and the Internet, as well as true convergence via intelligent navigation, and easy access to pertinent customer data. Customer product instances, billing information, CRM and order management information are integrated in one single, easy-to-use, front end HTML framework. Key features for CSRs include:
• A seamless 360-degree view of customer-facing processes — leverages customer data for improved customer satisfaction, retention, loyalty and corporate performance.
• Smart search capabilities — accesses information based on specific CSR activities and shortens call length
• Dynamic customer profiling for personalizing customer profiles — enables context-specific data related to customer behavior and maximizes profitability
• One-click data availability — expedites customer service by minimizing the average duration of customer contact and increases CSR efficiency
• Separate add-on software service packages for Order Management (OM) and Accounts Receivable (AR) provide functionally rich enhanced features
• Remote access offers easy navigation and control capabilities, enables instant information sharing across organizational lines and locations, and reduces hardware and operation costs
MaxCare’s new HTML-based GUI includes intuitive graphics and a flexible color scheme to easily implement all customer-related business processes. Simple HTML screens can be localized for language and personalized with a corporate look and feel. Process-driven screens reduce training costs, resulting in immediate ROI.
"By utilizing a unified framework of customer-related and professional services activities, MaxBill’s web-based CRM provides users with a cohesive view of the process, enabling easy access to customer data, and maximizing customer service and retention. MaxCare offers users a strong value proposition – easily deployed and rich in features, yet elegant in its simplicity," said MaxBill’s CTO, Kirill Rechter.
Ease of Maintenance in a Secure, Unified Framework
MaxCare’s scalable, open architecture employs J2EE standards that facilitate ease of maintenance, simple interfaces between MaxBill and external systems, and consistent data. MaxCare utilizes a powerful two-way order synchronization mechanism to synchronize with external systems, and to provide one consolidated platform for all key customer information.
MaxCare, when integrated with MaxBill billing capabilities and combined with the MaxBill universal workflow engine, tracks and analyzes client-by-client profitability to uncover hidden costs and benefits in the customer value chain.
MaxCare’s security mechanism is built on an LDAP-based, single sign-on solution, enabling integration into a customer’s existing single sign-on concept. Single Sign-On (SSO) reduces complexity, improves human engineering, and facilitates security management.
About MaxBill
MaxBill provides high quality, complete, cost-effective financial solutions for service providers worldwide. MaxBill’s unique modular solution and convergent, carrier-grade platform supports the evolving business needs of traditional (wireline, wireless, utilities) and next-generation (UMTS, GPRS, broadband and IP) services. MaxBill’s Universal Consolidating Platform (UCP) combines a powerful and scalable next-generation billing engine, service-enabling platform and customer-centric CRM powered by universal workflows, ensuring rapid deployment.
For current product and company information, please visit MaxBill’s web site at:
MaxBill Announces Launch of MaxCare’s Web-based CRM
Company: MaxBill
Contact Name: Michal Naor Tanhum
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: T: +972 3 930 5520
Contact Name: Michal Naor Tanhum
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: T: +972 3 930 5520