This year 4th April 2011 is New Year’s Day according to the Indian calendar and residents in Hyderabad and the states of Deccan will be celebrating the event with a special festival known as the Yugadi/Ugadi Festival.
The festival is always a lively affair and one of the customs that visitors can try is a dish that portrays the six feelings that arise in all people. A combination of fear, happiness, anger, surprise, disgust and sadness is made from a total of six ingredients and eaten together as a sign of accepting the emotions with equanimity. Ingredients such as chilli are used for heat and to represent anger, while jaggery and pieces of banana are used for sweetness and happiness.
Another speciality for the day is a dish of Bobbatlu which is made using a roti filled with jaggery and chickpeas and served with coconut milk and is a popular desert with locals.
Events for New Year often see family returning and joining in with the celebrations and this often causes people to look for a hotel Hyderabad Airport and can lead to problems when visitors go to book places.
Lek Boonlert, marketing head at commented: "New Year is packed with people and this results in many hotels being fully occupied so visitors should reserve hotels online well in advance of the celebrations."
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