Emerald Presents Best Practice Awards to Scholars of the Academy of Management

From: Emerald Group Publishing
Published: Tue Sep 06 2005

Emerald presented the following awards within various Academy of Management Divisions, each sponsored by the noted Emerald Journal:

Best Paper Award, HR Division, sponsored by Personnel Review for "A Meta-Analysis of Work Sample Test Validity: Updating and Integrating Some Classic Literature" by Phil Bobko, Gettysburg College and Lynn A. McFarland, Clemson University, USA.

Distinguished Scholar 2005, presented for Bold Leadership, Operations Management Division, sponsored by International Journal of Operations & Production Management to Barbara B Flynn, Wake Forest University Babcock Graduate School of Management, USA.

Lifetime Achievement Award, Management History Division, sponsored by Journal of Management History to Daniel A. Wren, Curator, Bass Business History Collection,
Bizzell Memorial Library, University of Oklahoma, USA.
Best International Paper, Organizational Behavior Division, sponsored by Journal of Managerial Psychology for "Taking Empowerment to the Next Level: A Multiple-level Model of Empowerment, Performance, and Satisfaction" by Seibert, S.E., Silver, S.R., & Randolph, W.A., published in Academy of Management Journal, 2004, Vol. 47.

Best Paper Award, Management Education and Development Division, sponsored by Journal of Management Development for "Leadership Development in Healthcare" by Ann Schleck McAlearney, Ohio State University, USA.

Best Paper Award, Organization Development & Change Division, sponsored by Journal of Organizational Change Management for "The Governance of Transition Processes in an Organization: A Cognitive Mapping Approach" by Jessica Steur and Rafael Wittek, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

Best Symposium Award, Careers Division, sponsored by Career Development International for "Pursuing Protean and Boundaryless Careers: Identity, Networks and Career Transitions" organized by Holly S. Slay, M. Susan Taylor and Ian O. Williamson, University of Maryland, USA.

Best International Paper Award, Organizational Behavior Division, sponsored by Leadership & Organization Development Journal was shared jointly by two papers as a new Award for 2005: "Why Would a Duck Walk into a Bar? A Theoretical Examination of Humor and Culture in Organizations", by Christopher Robert & Wan Yan, University of Missouri, Columbia, USA and "Development and Validation of a Measure of Organizational Energy", by Michael S. Cole, Heike Bruch & Bernd Vogel, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

As a highly prestigious All Academy Award, the Carolyn Dexter Best International Paper Award was sponsored this year by Emerald Group Publishing. The winner was ‘'Erroneous Learning from the West: An Empirical Study of Chinese Cases Published in 1992 and 1999" by Neng Liang, China Europe International Business School & Shu Lin, Peking University.
Because of the rigorous peer-review process among hundreds of nominees, four finalists of the Carolyn Dexter Award were recognized in a reception held by Emerald. In addition to Liang these included:
 "The Political Role of Business in Society: CSR Seen from a Habermasian Perspective" by Andreas G. Scherer, University of Zurich & Guido Palazzo, University of Lausanne.
 "Why Would a Duck Walk into a Bar? A Theoretical Examination of Humor and Culture in Organizations" by Christopher Robert & Wan Yan, both of the University of Missouri, Columbia.
 "Intertwining Offline and Online Channels in Multi-Channel Public Service Delivery: A Case Study" by Calvin M. L. Chan, National University of Singapore.
EmeraldÂ’s founding journal Management Decision personnel held a buffet reception followed by an informal workshop at the conference. This event provided delegates an opportunity to network with regional editors, journal board members, and fellow academics as well as participate in informal discussions pertinent to Management Decision. Topics included:
• What is the value of history in management? Facilitated by David Lamond, Editor of Journal of Management History and Director of the Sydney Graduate School of Management, Australia.
• Methodologies – scientific versus intuitive; empirical vs. exploratory. Facilitated by J.C. Spender, Emerald Academic Advisor.
• How do we encourage young researchers/academics from the developing worlds/people with practical insights to write appropriate material for scholarly journals? Facilitated by David Weir, Professor of Management at CERAM SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS in France and visiting Professor in Management Development at Lancaster University.
• How can publishers help solve the main headaches for researchers and teaching faculty? Facilitated by Niki Haunch, Head of the Emerald Academic Relations Department.
Emerald editors led a Professional Development Workshop titled "Building the Collective Scholarly Vision: Becoming a Journal Editor". Co-chaired by Yehuda Baruch, Editor of Career Development International and featuring Jim Werbel, Editor of the Journal of Managerial Psychology as a member of the session panel, this workshop addressed the multi-faceted role of the journal editor. It provided guidance for people who wish to become journal editors, developed a set of standards for judging the quality of editorship, and laid the groundwork for the development of a body of scholarship on this topic. Panel members included editors of leading management journals in the field, including the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, British Journal of Management, Human Relations, and the Journal of Management.
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Gill Crawford, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Tel: 01274 777700, email: gcrawford@emeraldinsight.com or

Catherine Dhanjal, TheAnswer Ltd, Tel: 0208 655 0953/0794 166 9925, Catherine.dhanjal@theansweruk.com

(Advertising/colour separation queries to Gill Crawford)

Ref: TA-271

Company: Emerald Group Publishing
Contact Name: Gill Crawford
Contact Email: gcrawford@emeraldinsight.com
Contact Phone: 01274 777700

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