SFL + a Architects Sponsors 2nd Annual Lifetime Legacy Award Ceremony

Published: Thu Jun 07 2007

Robbie Ferris, president and CEO of SFL + a Architects, a firm designed to provide state-of-the-art architectural solutions to educational institutions, has announced that the firm will sponsor the 2007 Lifetime Legacy Award Ceremony, scheduled for Wednesday, June 13 from 7-9:30 p.m. at The Cardinal Club’s George Watts Hill Alumni Center in Chapel Hill, N.C. Now in its second year, the Lifetime Legacy Award Ceremony is North Carolina’s primary fundraiser for Action for Children North Carolina, a statewide nonprofit organization based in Raleigh, serving as North Carolina’s leading voice for child advocacy for more than 23 years.

This year’s Lifetime Legacy Award will be presented Tom Lambeth, chairman of the board for the Center for Teaching Quality and the N.C. Rural Center, in recognition of his continued efforts to improving the well-being of North Carolina children and youth. Guest speakers will include Erskine Bowles, president of the University of North Carolina System, Bill Friday, president emeritus of the University of North Carolina, and Valeria Lee, president of the Golden Leaf Foundation. Event proceeds will benefit Action for Children North Carolina. Last year’s event, which honored NASCAR driver Kyle Petty and wife, Pattie Petty in recognition of their founding and continued commitment to Victory Junction Gang Camp, raised over $51,000.

Tickets to attend this year’s ceremony are $125 per person, $75 of which is tax deductible. For more information on the North Carolina Children’s Legacy Award Ceremony, or to reserve a seat at this year’s event, contact Robin Costello at 919-834-6623 or visit http://www.nchild.org.

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News Facts:

· SFL + a Architects will sponsor the 2007 Lifetime Legacy Award Ceremony.
· The 2007 Lifetime Legacy Award Ceremony will be held on Wednesday, June 13 from 7-9:30 p.m. at The Cardinal Club’s George Watts Hill Alumni Center in Chapel Hill, N.C.
· Lifetime Legacy Award Ceremony is North Carolina’s primary fundraiser for Action for Children North Carolina, a statewide nonprofit organization based in Raleigh, serving as North Carolina’s leading voice for child advocacy for more than 23 years.
· This year’s Lifetime Legacy Award will be presented Tom Lambeth in recognition of his continued efforts to improving the well-being of North Carolina children and youth.
· Guest speakers will include Erskine Bowles, president of the University of North Carolina System, Bill Friday, president emeritus of the University of North Carolina, and Valeria Lee, president of the Golden Leaf Foundation.
· Event proceeds will benefit Action for Children North Carolina.

"Our firm is proud to help support this year’s N.C. Children’s Lifetime Legacy Award Ceremony," said Ferris. "Too often we as a society forget to stop and applaud the individual efforts that have made a positive impact on our nation’s school system. This event assures that people such as Tom Lamberth are given the recognition that they truly deserve"

About Thomas Willis Lambeth:
Tom Lambeth is a Senior Fellow at the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation, where he served as Executive Director from 1978 until 2001. Born in Clayton, N.C. and a 1957 graduate of the University of North Carolina with a degree in history, Lambeth has served as a member of the Military Peace Corps of the U.S. Army Reserve, as chief of staff for Governor Terry Sanford and U.S. Representative Richardson Preyer, and as a member of the staff of the Smith Richardson Foundation, as well as a newspaper reporter. He has been chair and member of the Board of Trustees of his Alma Matter, and the university has honored him with a Distinguished Alumnus Award, the William Richardson Davie Award and an Alumni Association Distinguished Alumnas Award. He holds honorary degrees from Wake Forest University and Pfeiffer College. Additional individual recognitions include the McIver Ward for Public Service from UNC Greensboro, the University Award from the UNC System, the North Carolina Award from Public Service, and in 2006, the Lifetime Achievement Award presented by the North Carolina 4-H.

About Action for Children North Carolina:
Action for Children North Carolina, formerly known as the North Carolina Child Advocacy Institute (NCCAI), is a statewide non profit organization based in Raleigh. Since its founding in 1983, Action for Children has been the leading voice for North Carolina’s children. Current efforts are focused in four major areas: Child Health and Safety; Early Care and Education; Child Maltreatment; and Juvenile Justice. Action for Children is the KIDS COUNT partner in North Carolina and the state affiliate of the national organization, Voices for America’s Children. For more information, visit http://www.ncchild.org.

About SFL + a Architects:
SFL + a Architects is a firm designed to provide state-of-the-art architectural solutions to educational institutions. Created in 1982, the company has emerged as one of the most highly regarded architectural firms in the Southeast, offering expert services in architectural planning, design, construction, land planning and interior design. The firm is based out of Fayetteville, North Carolina, with branch offices in Raleigh and Charlotte. The sister company of SFL + a Architects is FirstFloor K-12 Solutions, LLC, a North Carolina development company pioneering public-private partnerships to develop educational facilities. The company is comprised of talented professionals, each possessing 15-20 years of experience in banking, finance, construction and property management. For more information, visit http://www.sfla.biz.

SFL + a Architects, Action for Children North Carolina, Architectural Design, Building Design, Public-Private Partnerships, School Construction, Land Planning, , Green Design, School Development, Professionals, Robbie Ferris, Firstfloor K-12 Solutions LLC, Wake County Public Schools North Carolina Children’s Lifetime Legacy Award, Tom Lambeth, The Carolina Club, Erskine Bowles, Bill Friday, Valeria Lee, Child Safety, Education, Voices for America’s Children

Patty Briguglio
MMI Associates, Inc.

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