Virtual Tales, a publisher of eBooks and eSerials spanning a variety of fiction genres and styles, announced the acquisition of British author B.J. Kibble's latest spy thriller, LEGION, for publication in July. When ex-British agent Alex Jordan learns that his loyal friend, mentor and serving MI6 officer is murdered, he relentlessly hunts for the killers in London. The trail leads him to a former MI6 boss and Soviet double agent—and throws him into the middle of a dangerous North Korean terrorist plot.
Author B.J. Kibble grew up in a family steeped in law enforcement and military history. He followed the tradition and served as a British soldier and police officer. During the course of his duty, he survived three near death experiences; the last occasion was prior to leaving the Police Force, when he walked unscathed from a devastating IRA bomb. A resident of East Sussex, England, his other novels include CHASING THE WIND and DRY RAIN, both published through Virtual Tales.
Virtual Tales is a privately held partnership founded in 2005 to publish original eBooks and eSerials in both general and genre fiction. eBooks are offered in a variety of formats, including MobiPocket, Microsoft Reader and PDA-formatted Adobe Reader files. eSerials are delivered through email twice a week as Adobe Reader files suitable for reading on a PC, Mac, PDA, e-reader, cell phone or other device. All eSerials are available for a free trial subscription, so readers everywhere are encouraged to visit the website and sample the offerings at no cost or obligation.
Virtual Tales to Publish Spy Thriller LEGION by UK Author B.J. Kibble
Company: Virtual Tales
Contact Name: Sheri Gormley
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Contact Phone: 360-901-9725
Contact Name: Sheri Gormley
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Contact Phone: 360-901-9725