Members of the public today attended a public consultation concerning the preparation a masterplan for the rejuvenation of County Clare's second largest town. Strictly dealing with land-use issues, the masterplan seeks to guide and facilitate the future development of over 90 acres of land in the centre of Shannon Town, as identified in the South Clare Economic Corridor Local Area Plan 2003.
The key objectives of the masterplan include the provision of new civic landmark facilities for Shannon, the creation of an attractive and durable urban public domain of streets and squares, a town centre built on excellent public transport linkages, and a living town centre with residential development integrated with commercial and employment uses. The masterplan also aims to diversify the range of commercial uses and activities, and support a vibrant town centre atmosphere daytime and evening.
Murray Ó Laoire Architects, in association with property consultants DTZ Sherry Fitzgerald and consulting engineers White Young Green are to prepare the masterplan, on behalf of Clare County Council. As part of the process, a public information and consultation event was held today in the Oak Wood Arms Hotel, Shannon. The Masterplan team also met with representatives of local community groups during stakeholder clinics.
"The purpose of the masterplan is to conceive an overall vision, planning framework and design guidance on the best potential development of the lands as an extension of the town centre area in Shannon", stated John Bradley, Senior Executive Planner, Clare County Council.
He continued, "It is imperative that the local community is incorporated into any plans to develop the centre of Shannon. The public meeting allowed the local community to inform us of their economic development, recreational, social, community, residential, transport and infrastructural needs."
Submissions to the Shannon Town Centre Masterplan should be made in writing or email by 4.00pm on Friday July 9th 2007. All submissions should be marked; Shannon TC02/TC03 Masterplan, Murray Ó Laoire Architects, Brian Merriman Place, Lock Quay, Limerick or they can be e-mailed to Submissions should state the name, address, and where relevant, the body represented. The Masterplan team will review all submissions and observations lodged within the above timeframe.
Murray Ó Laoire Architects is a firm of architects, urban designers and interior designers. Established in 1979 in Ireland, with offices in Dublin, Cork and Limerick, MÓLA opened an office in Russia (Moscow) in 1992. In 2006, the company opened offices in both Slovakia (Bratislava) and at Aachen in Germany.
Note to Editor:
To arrange an interview please contact Mark Dunphy of Dunphy Public Relations on 0868534900 or
Mark Dunphy
Dunphy Public Relations
County Clare
00353-868534900 (Mobile)
00353-656839692 (Fax)
Public consulted on rejuvenation of Clare's second largest town
Company: Dunphy Public Relations
Contact Name: Mark Dunphy
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 00353-868534900
Contact Name: Mark Dunphy
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 00353-868534900