The rejuvenation and future development of Ballyvaughan and Carrigaholt is the subject of two Village Design Statements currently being drawn up by Clare County Council.
The local authority's Planning and Economic Development Department intends to prepare the statements, in consultation with the public, over the coming months.
A Village Design Statement is unlike any other planning document. It provides planning advice directly applicable to the statutory planning system and is entirely community based.
According to Risteard UaCróinin, Conservation Officer, Clare County Council, "A Village Design Statement sets out clear and simple guidance for the design of all development in a village, based on its character. It is an advisory document produced by the village community, not by the planning authority. It will not stop change from happening, but it can help effect how any new building fits in to the village. These Statements are intended to influence the operation of the statutory planning system, so that new development is in harmony with its setting and makes a positive contribution to the immediate environment."
He continued, "The villages of Ballyvaughan and Carrigaholt have been selected by Clare County Council's Planning Policy Unit as ideal candidates for this initiative due to their size and location. The project will be undertaken by officials of the Planning Policy Unit following a series of public consultation workshops and meetings with local interested individuals and groups. The Unit will also be seeking the input of local public representatives."
"The main focus of the upcoming public consultations will be to turn the informed wishes of the local community on the future development of both villages into part of development policy", explained Mr. UaCróinin.
Clare County Council hopes to address a number of issues during the drafting of the Statements, including the protection and conservation of important buildings, improving derelict areas and structures, upgrading and enhancement of public spaces and facilities, appropriate development for infill sites and adjacent sites, and other relevant issues raised by the community.
The process will also attempt to identify the unique character of the chosen villages, with particular reference to the character of its landscape, setting and built environment.
Public information and consultation meetings and workshops will be organised for both villages over the next two months. These will be held during weekday evenings and will be advertised locally.
Any person or group, who wishes to be included on the contacts list, should phone Karina Howley at 0656846401 or email the Conservation Officer at
Note to Editor:
To arrange an interview please contact Mark Dunphy of Dunphy Public Relations on 086-8534900 or
Mark Dunphy
Dunphy Public Relations
County Clare
00353-868534900 (Mobile)
00353-656839692 (Fax)
Village Design Statements To Assist In Rejuvenation And Future Development Of Ballyvaughan And Carri
Company: Dunphy Public Relations
Contact Name: Mark Dunphy
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 00353-868534900
Contact Name: Mark Dunphy
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 00353-868534900