Donald Trump’s and Martha Stewart’s Reality Shows are Not Reality Says Millionaire Author

Published: Wed Sep 28 2005

CARLSBAD, Calif. – Ken Hayashi, a self-made millionaire at age 26 offers advice to those who plan to watch the new season of "The Apprentice." He says: "reality TV is not reality."

"Only a few people get rich from Texas Hold-em, lotteries, get rich quick infomercials, "Who wants to be a Millionaire," and "The Apprentice" shows. But there is a method that enables anyone to make a million dollars. I know it works, because I did it," explained Hayashi.

With the fourth edition of Donald Trump’s "The Apprentice" and the new spin off "The Apprentice: Martha Stewart," millionaire hopefuls should take away the gamble and learn the skills that can really make anyone into a millionaire.

Hayashi has achieved the dream that so many seek, but do not know how to achieve. At just 26 he generated several million dollars in business, and retired. Now he teaches other entrepreneurs and millionaire wannabees how to achieve their wildest dreams.

His book "Millionaire by 26" takes readers on a step-by-step tutorial that enables anyone to attain true financial freedom within three to five years.

"Millionaire by 26" not only tells the success methods used by Hayashi, it examines self-made millionaire and billionaire entrepreneurs like Donald Trump, P. Diddy; Michael Dell of Dell Computers Jerry Yang of Yahoo, and Minh Lee, the inventor of popular game Counter Strike as well as others.

Unlike the infomercials, television reality shows, or the lottery, "Millionaire by 26" takes the gamble out of the quest for the dream. This is not another book that teaches the art of "positive thinking. In fact Hayashi explains "thinking positive" can destroy the average person’s quest for financial freedom.

"Very few highly successful people just became lucky, or just happened on a great idea. Most are hard-working individuals who have learned to apply themselves, delegate authority, and have accepted and applied the basic principles of business," says Hayashi. "I used those principles, and I teach them in my book."

Hayashi provides information at his web site at INSERT LINK HERE AS www.xxxx.com,
and his book "Millionaire by 26" is available through and most major bookstores.

About Ken Hayashi:
Ken Hayashi, was born and raised in Los Angeles, Calif. He is a fourth-generation Japanese-American who originally began his career in the performing arts, for which he received a number of awards. He began working with several marketing organizations and eventually started his own publishing company. After generating several million dollars in business by age 26, he retired.

"Ken is living proof that anyone with a dream and determination, can be successful. His book gives anyone very clear system to financial independence." – Louis Lautman, president, International Sales University.

Ken Hayashi
(760) 201-7054

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