Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Hummingbird Creative Group as a member in the advertising category. Through its membership, Hummingbird will have access to business development events, Internet marketing opportunities and online training programs as well as the ability to develop new business relationships through facilitation and referrals. The club, a chapter of Breakfast Club America, is a membership-driven business organization designed to help its members build business relationships through networking events.
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News Facts:
• Penn Shore has announced that the club has named Hummingbird Creative Group as a member in the advertising category.
• Through its membership, Hummingbird will have access to business development events, Internet marketing opportunities and online training programs as well as the ability to develop new business relationships through facilitation and referrals.
• The club, a chapter of Breakfast Club America, is a membership-driven business organization designed to help its members build business relationships through networking events.
"We are excited to announce that Hummingbird has become a member of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle," said Shore. "We are sure that this award-winning firm will be an asset to the development of the club."
About Hummingbird Creative Group:
Hummingbird is a creative services firm specializing in building brand identities. The firm serves as a partner with their clients to provide unique, award-winning design, advertising and marketing services, including: logos, branding, marketing strategies, advertising, web design, public relations, and promotions. Since its establishment, the firm has repeatedly been recognized as an industry leader. Most recently, Hummingbird was acclaimed as a winner of the American Corporate Identity 22 Competition, an annual award showcasing the best corporate identity design in America today and two 2006 American Graphic Design Awards, for promotional card and logo designs. For more information, please call 919-854-9100 or visit the Web site at
About The Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle:
The Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle is a chapter of Breakfast Club America, a national membership-driven business organization. With each member being exclusive in his or her business category, the business club puts members together in a variety of environments where they generate revenue and build business relationships with each other and their customers. Club services include business development events, Internet marketing, online training and monthly breakfast meetings featuring a high profile sports or business personality as the guest speaker. Participation in all events is limited to Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle members and their invited guests. The Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle is sponsored by the Carolina Condrey Group of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network, which is one of over 90 network offices within the Northwestern Mutual system across the country, serving clients throughout eastern North Carolina. The office is based in Raleigh, NC and led by R. Michael Condrey, CLU, ChFC, CFP, managing partner. Northwestern Mutual Financial Network is the marketing name for the sales and distribution arm of The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Milwaukee, WI (Northwestern Mutual). For more information on the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, contact Penn Shore at (919) 612-9458 or visit their Web site at
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network, Breakfast Club of the Triangle, Penn Shore, Breakfast Club America, Business Organization, Research Triangle Region Business, Raleigh Business, Hummingbird Creative Group, Advertising
Patty Briguglio
MMI Associates, Inc.
Hummingbird Creative Group Named Member Of Local Business Club
Company: MMI Associates, Inc.
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