Hailing out of Scituate Harbor, White Cap Charters’ Burial At Sea service takes family/friends three miles offshore for private ash scattering by a licensed U.S. Coast Guard Captain, along with selected clergy if desired, to respectfully attend to a loved one’s wishes. Options include motoring past one of many area light house where family and/or friends may bring a loved one to rest in the eternal serenity of the ocean. As there is no cost to visit these lighthouses year-round, many family/friends like being able to go to their chosen lighthouse to visit with their loved ones from shore. Recommended by many area Funeral Homes.
Burial At Sea aboard the White Cap may be attended by up to six people plus crew and parties of up to 40 people can be accommodated with White Cap Charters’ sister ships in Plymouth, MA or Sebasco, Maine. The trained crew conducts a dignified and well-thought out memorial service that can be customized to specific needs, wishes, religion or taste. Or, if preferred, a family member or other designated person may conduct all or part of the ceremony. Ocean friendly wreaths, florals, music, poems, readings, prayers, bag pipers, Taps, Doves and other options are available, some at an additional cost. Sporting enthusiast scattering packages for clients with the love of Boston area sport teams are also available for dual ash scattering events via local airplane and boat in tandem with each other.
At the close of the service, loved ones receive a commemorative distinguished keepsake burial certificate, indicating the date, time and exact latitude and longitude of the ceremony so that area can be visited at a later date.
Requests can be accommodated within 24-48 hours, depending upon the weather. The service may be attended or unattended and viewed from the shore. White Cap Charters’ memorial service at sea may be performed for $350 (unattended) to $750.00 (attended by party of six) to up to $1,500 for larger parties. Burial At Sea scattering of ashes service are also available for beloved pets for $95 (unattended) to $395 (attended).
White Cap Charters Ships Master, Captain Brad White has been navigating Massachusetts Bay for more than 35 years. One of the most sought after charter captains, White has U.S. Coast Guard certifications in RADAR, GPS, Auxiliary sail, towing, SCUBA, CPR, First Aid and Rescue and Sea Survival.
The vessel White Cap is a 33’ long and 11’6" wide custom Fortier express cruiser equipped with state-of-the-art electronics. Safety gear aboard ship includes USCG approved Mustang Survival Suits, USCG approved life jackets, flares, six-person life raft, Satellite locator beacons, Satellite weather and other standard safety equipment.
White Cap cruises at 21 Kts (26 MPH) with a in a range of 400 nautical miles. While ashore, she is air conditioned and heated for your comfort. Photography of the service is also available and in 2008 White recently announced that a live video feed can be simulcast worldwide to family members that may not be able to attend but who can easily log on line to watch the event. White also announced that a second 1935 38’ wooden classic vessel from Maine is being reviewed for purchase for 2008 that can accommodate up to 24 family members at a time.
White Cap Charters focuses its efforts in the Cape Cod Bay area and additional territory coverage includes Maine to Florida. The company is building a net work of approved and qualified licensees in the Great Lake and West Coast of the USA areas. White Cap Charters Burial At Sea ensures a loved one a final resting place at sea, while relieving family of financial burdens in their time of distress.
White Cap Charters, hailing out of cozy Scituate Harbor, is headquartered at 149 Old Main Street in Marshfield Hills, MA. The company offers unique fishing and excursion tours along the East Coast from May to October. In addition to White Cap Charters, Brad White is the owner of a Marshfield Hills, Mass., based contract manufacturing, marketing and distribution company of quality consumer products.
For more information, visit the website at www.ScituateBurialsAtSea.com or contact White Cap Charters Toll Free at 877-897-7700 or (781) 834-0112, or via email brad@charterwhitecap.com.
©2007 White Cap Charters LLC, All rights reserved
Domain Names proudly owned and under management of White Cap Charters® LLc
White Cap Charters® of the South Shore offers Memorial Ash Scattering Services at Sea
Company: White Cap Charters
Contact Name: Brad White
Contact Email: brad@charterwhitecap.com
Contact Phone: 781-834-0112
Contact Name: Brad White
Contact Email: brad@charterwhitecap.com
Contact Phone: 781-834-0112