As part of its drive to encourage greener motoring, insurance provider has launched a campaign to encourage motorists to share their cars.
Details of major car sharing organisations in the UK are being listed on the insurer’s website at
The concept of car sharing enables drivers to find passengers who are making the same journey as themselves, enabling them to share the journey.
It is designed to reduce the number of vehicles on the road which carry only a driver, leading to decreases in both road traffic and CO2 emissions.
"The latest figures from Defra show that road transport accounts for 22% of the UK’s CO2 emissions, and it is vitally important that moves are made to reduce this through better use of vehicles," said Paul Purdy, of
He continued: "Research conducted by the Department of Transport in 2005 indicates that 61% of cars on the road do not carry any passengers. Where commuting was concerned, the figure was even higher, at 85%. Lift sharing is designed to help reduce these figures."
Lift sharing will not normally affect the car insurance status of the driver, so long as costs are simply shared between the driver and passengers. The driver must not make a profit from the journey, otherwise this would classify the ride as a taxi journey, for which a taxi licence is usually required.
About Yes Insurance is a trading name of yesinsurance Services Limited. We specialise in providing competitive motor insurance for drivers of older vehicles and the second car in a household and also offer great car insurance deals for women and people looking for non-comprehensive insurance (e.g. third party fire and theft cover).
As well as car insurance, also offers competitive home insurance and van insurance policies. In both cases, we will search a panel of leading insurance companies to find the best policy and the cheapest price for you.
Paul Purdy,
Lakeside House
Hebble Brook Business Park
Hays Lane
01422 232528 launches lift sharing scheme
Contact Name: Paul Purdy
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Contact Phone: 01422 232528
Contact Name: Paul Purdy
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Contact Phone: 01422 232528