Northern Rock launches second annual branch contest for kids

From: Northern Rock
Published: Fri Aug 12 2011

Northern Rock is helping to keep kids entertained this summer holidays by holding a nationwide competition.

The contest, which started on the first day of the school break, focuses on the theme of superheroes in an effort to spark kids' imaginations, and all of Northern Rock's 74 branches are taking part.

For a chance at winning £100 in High Street vouchers, children have the option to draw their own superhero, colour in a template design supplied by Northern Rock, or dress up as a superhero and send a photograph of themselves in costume to their local branch.

The competition is split into three age categories - up to four years, five to nine years and ten to 16 years of age. An independent representative at each branch will choose a winner from each age group, each of whom will win a High Street voucher worth £25. All branch winners will then progress to the national judging and their chance to win a High Street voucher worth £100.

To enter, interested parties can visit any of Northern Rock's branches and pick up an entry form, which can either be completed in branch or taken away and returned no later than 3rd September 2011. All winners will be notified by 24 October 2011. Full terms and conditions are available in branches.

Launched in April last year, the Little Rock's top-paying access account at 3.00% gross* pa/AER**, is available through Northern Rock's branch network, and by post, to customers aged under 16. It must be opened with an appropriate adult named on the account as a trustee.

Little Rock can be opened by cash, cheque or by transfer from an existing Northern Rock account. There is a maximum balance limit of £10,000, and all trustees are required to sign for any withdrawals. All withdrawals are notice free.


Notes to Editors:
*GROSS is the rate of interest paid to eligible non-taxpayers without deduction of tax. Please note interest will be paid net of tax unless you are eligible to receive interest gross and submit the required registration form to us.
**AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate and shows what the interest rate would be when interest is paid and added to the capital balance each year.
***NET is the annual rate of interest payable after the deduction of basic rate tax (currently 20%).

About Northern Rock:
Northern Rock plc is a new bank, authorised by the FSA as a deposit taker and mortgage lender from 1 January 2010. It offers savings accounts and a cash isa to customers in the UK and Ireland and mortgages to UK borrowers. It also offers fixed rate bonds. New products are offered through both direct channels - including a national branch network - and mortgage intermediaries.

Northern Rock continues to operate within the compensatory measures agreed with the EC as part of the State Aid approval announced in October 2009.

In June 2011, Northern Rock was awarded a national Big Tick Award in Business in the Community's Awards for Excellence, in the category of Building Stronger Communities.

The BITC Awards identify and celebrate companies having a positive impact on the community, environment, marketplace and workplace. The Big Tick winners demonstrate significant impact and high quality management of their responsible business practices and can show a positive impact both on society and on the business. Now in their 14th year, they are the UK’s leading awards for responsible business practice.

Business in the Community stands for responsible business.

Media Contact:
Jule Wilson
Northern Rock House
Newcastle upon Tyne
0191 279 4676
Company: Northern Rock
Contact Name: Jule Wilson
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 0191 279 4676

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