Ayrshire and Cambridge-based building contractors William Skinner & Son have held their second staff communications day to facilitate a two-way exchange of ideas and information between the firm and its employees.
All 96 (now over 100) members of staff attended the event at the Roman Warrior Suite, Ayr Racecourse, and enjoyed the opportunity to meet with their colleagues, get some insight into how the company is progressing and put forward their own ideas about its future development.
The aims of the communications day were to inform all employees of company activity and performance since the last communication event in March 2006, to outline plans and developments for the next twelve months, to increase employee involvement and commitment to the company by opening up channels of two-way communication in terms of feedback and generating ideas, and to celebrate Skinner’s successes and convey positive messages about working for the company.
An Employee Attitude Survey was conducted to assess how staff felt about working for the company and the benefits it offered. This will give senior management some hard data on which to base its future HR strategy.
Informal presentations were given by senior staff members, followed by small group sessions to generate ideas from all levels on challenges facing the company. Structured feedback was then given on questions and ideas raised during communication sessions.
William Skinner & Son HR manager Stephanie Hammond said: "During the day a lot of ideas and suggestions were made about the way the company operates, and these will all need to be looked at in terms of their viability and how they can improve our efficiency.
"We will be setting up a communications group to work on this and regular feedback on progress will be passed back to all employees. We already have an in-house company newsletter, but we will be looking at other vehicles for communication to ensure that people have all the information that they need and want.
"Our communication days are just a small part of the company’s overall HR strategy, but possibly the most visible. We work very hard to maintain our reputation as a good employer. We know that the best way to improve our business is to listen to and involve our highly skilled and dedicated workforce, and will make sure that they have regular opportunities to make a contribution."
Building contractors William Skinner & Son are members of the Elite Ayrshire Business Circle.
The Elite Ayrshire Business Circle is a newly formed association of some of the top companies in Ayrshire.
Its purpose is to publicise its members, and to celebrate and promote the rich diversity of industry, commerce and business services available within the county boundaries of Ayrshire.
Members include the Clydesdale Bank, Ayr Racecourse and the Western House Hotel, and member company activities include building and construction, architectural practice, estate agency and land management, chartered accountancy, insurance broking, legal services, golf club management, marketing services and brand creation, web design and public relations consultancy.
The Elite Ayrshire Business Circle runs its own online news magazine, which can be found at http://www.ayrshirebusinessnews.com
As well as regularly updated illustrated articles about member companies, Ayrshire Business News also features rolling news, business and sports headlines, and its own online department store.
For further information about The Elite Ayrshire Business Circle and to apply for membership, e-mail eliteayrshire@gmail.com
Founder members of the Elite Ayrshire Business Circle:
Clydesdale Bank http://www.cbonline.co.uk
Ayr Racecourse http://www.ayr-racecourse.co.uk
Western House Hotel http://www.westernhousehotel.co.uk
CKD Galbraith Property Consultants http://www.ckdgalbraith.co.uk
Frazer Coogans Solicitors http://www.frazercoogans.co.uk
MacKay Corporate Insurance Brokers http://www.mackaycorporate-brokers.com
Donald Ross Estate Agents: http://www.donaldross.co.uk
William Skinner & Son Building Contractors http://www.willamskinner.co.uk
Sinclair Scott Chartered Accountants http://www.sinclairscott.com
Paligap Creative Agency http://www.paligap.com
ARP Lorimer & Associates Architects http://www.arpl.co.uk
Brunston Castle Golf Club http://www.brunstoncastle.co.uk
Accident & Injury Claims Centre http://www.accidentclaims.com
Visimetrics http://www.visimetrics.com
Fouters Restaurant http://www.fouters.co.uk
Barrie Grant Business Coach http://www.actioncoach.com/barriegrant
Fame Publicity Services http://www.famepublicity.co.uk
Issued by: Fame Publicity Services
Telephone: 01292 281498
Mobile: 07833 667322
E-mail: Murdoch@famepublicity.co.uk
Web: http://www.famepublicity.co.uk
Blog: http://www.AyrshireScotlandBusinessNews.blogspot.com
William Skinner & Son
Cunningham House
St Quivox
Ayr KA6 5HQ
Contact: Sandy Cunningham, Managing Director
Tel: 01292 671188
Fax: 01292 671133
E-mail: enquiries@williamskinner.co.uk
Website: www.williamskinner.co.uk
Building contractors William Skinner & Son hold staff communications day
Company: Fame Publicity Services
Contact Name: murdochmcd
Contact Email: famepublicity@aol.com
Contact Phone: 00 44 1292 281498
Contact Name: murdochmcd
Contact Email: famepublicity@aol.com
Contact Phone: 00 44 1292 281498