Derek Clark MEP attacks Derbyshire street light switch off

Published: Thu Oct 06 2011

The controversial plan to permanently switch off nearly 900 Derbyshire street lights has been attacked by the county’s MEP.

Derek Clark, UKIP MEP for Derbyshire, said: "County by county, the East Midlands seems to be returning to the Dark Ages."

Mr Clark was speaking after hearing the county council’s cost saving plans. It said it could save £400,000 a year.

The authority is considering turning off up to 60,000 of its 89,000 lamps between midnight and 5.30am, with one per cent – 900 – switched off permanently in some rural areas and non-residential areas.
The cost cutting has already been started in Northamptonshire, where residents have launched campaigns to get the lights turned back on.

Mr Clark said he wanted concerned residents from across Derbyshire to get in touch with him so the campaign can be stepped up.

He said: "How will children walk home in the dark from school for instance? Will crime go up? Will people feel safe in their communities?

"Little by little we appear to be going backwards - the first modern street lights were installed in London in the 1880’s and led to an immediate drop in crime.

"People want adequate lights and they want them now – that’s perfectly reasonable. I wonder if the council is aware it might be in conflict with EU health and safety regulations."

Mr Clark urged protesters to contact him with their concerns.

People can write to Mr Clark at The office of Derek Clark MEP, UK Independence Party, Suite 1, Rowan House, 23, Billing Road, Northampton, NN1 5AT, or e-mail him at
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