From: Autosurfing Connections
Published: Mon Oct 31 2005

November 1, 2005
Summerside, PEI

The Autosurfing industry has gained a central site for all auto surfer’s to research autosurf sites with Autosurfing Connections. The Auto surf industry, an industry that pays internet surfers to watch advertising, being only a few years old, has recently exploded exponentially with the number of sites that offers this type of income. With this explosion of sites has also shown a surge of sites that claim to pay their users and do not.

Richard DeJong has put together a comprehensive site that has detailed information on each of the top autosurf sites in the world called Autosurfing Connections. What this site does is provides a one stop source for a variety of data on each site. Each webmaster has been sent a questionnaire, which if return has the answers posted for critical questions about the site. Also listed is the whois domain registration for each site, as well as contact information for the webmaster of each Autosurf Site. To build credibility and history for each site there is several pages that show all the sites payment history, not only for the sites that the administrator surfs, but also for other recognized leaders of the industry. For beginners and newcomers in the industry, there is a specialized section dedicated to teaching newcomers on the basics of the industry, how to gain referrals and how to advertise the referral links that each site provides.

Essentially what Mr. DeJong has done with Autosurfing Connections is taken information that is available online but spread of many different sites, and done the legwork of the research and placed it all in one convenient location. He provides a biweekly newsletter that is packed with his unique point of view on the industry and informative articles relating to the Autosurf Industry., to keep in-touch with others in the industry. For further information, contact Richard DeJong at
Company: Autosurfing Connections
Contact Name: Richard DeJong
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 902-432-3191

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