In recent months At Hand Productions has been busy promoting Prophecies of War at the Prince Music Theater. In the past week At Hand Productions has outlined an education program for children where they can interact with the production team. Additionally, children have the opportunity to get a hands on understanding of the technology that is used in the production.
The education program that At Hand Productions has developed will give children a culturally enriching experience that many have not been able to experience within the public school system. At Hand Productions became aware through local Philadelphia organizations that the arts within the public school systems have been declining in availability and quality. To answer this need for arts and cultural enrichment, At Hand Productions develop their current program. Currently, At Hand Productions is marketing their education program towards organizations and community groups that specialize in art education for children between the ages of 10-18. Additionally, this program will also be marketed towards other community organizations that are interested in introducing their children to interdisciplinary arts.
Within this program that At Hand Productions has developed, children will have the opportunity to play instruments, operate video equipment, learn about the performers and how to create a production.. At Hand Productions’ education program is customizable for interested organizations.
At Hand Productions officially began in January 2005 with its earliest origins dating back several years subsequent. It has set out to bring concerts and theatrical events to its audiences. Many of At Hand Productions' performances are designed by CEO and production manager Andrew Hanna. Some of Hanna’s more known pieces include ‘Prophecies of War’, ‘Values’, and ‘My Journal’. At Hand Productions is unique for its use of collective arts to portray its themes. In ‘Prophecies of War’, one will hear progressive rock, fusion, and spoken word. Along with these musical elements, ‘Prophecies of War’ uses video to give further depth to the production. ‘My Journal’, like ‘Prophecies of War’, uses much of the same elements, but unlike ‘Prophecies of War’, ‘My Journal’ incorporates movement and speech into the scheme. Furthermore, ‘My Journal’ uses an orchestra to create the musical atmosphere.
Persons interested in finding out more about At Hand Productions are encouraged to go their website: Any person whom is interested in purchasing tickets can contact At Hand Productions or contact the Prince Music Theater 215-569-9700 or go to Lastly, the Prince Music Theater’s ticket booth is open Mondays-Fridays 12 P.M. - 6 P.M. and weekend hours are 12 P.M. - 5 P.M. The Prince Music Theater is located at 1412 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA.
At Hand Productions announces new education program for children
Company: At Hand Productions, Inc.
Contact Name: John Thompson
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 267-981-5461
Contact Name: John Thompson
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 267-981-5461