Avantimobile slashes UK mobile call charges

From: OpenAir
Published: Mon Nov 07 2005

7th November 2005
Avantimobile slashes UK mobile call charges

Avantimobile today launches a brand new service that offers major savings for many mobile phone users, both consumers and business customers alike. Historically, the cost of using a mobile has always been significantly higher than using a landline. Avantimobile has harnessed the power of the latest mobile phones to make savings of up to 80% off the costs of calls from mobile phones.

Avantimobile has developed an intelligent automated routing application for the latest generation of Smartphones. Such phones have been sold in the UK since late-2000 and are now widely available on the High Street. Once registered for the Avantimobile service, the customer simply dials the required phone number, as they do now, and Avantimobile makes instantaneous decisions on how best to route the call to reduce the cost of it. For example, calls to someone on another mobile network, often referred to as cross-network calls, could be charged at in excess of 40p per minute. Similarly, calls to someone abroad could easily be charged at 60p per minute and more. By optimising the routing of these calls over the Avantimobile platform, these call costs can be significantly reduced.

Tony Lloyd-Weston, Managing Director of OpenAir, based in Crewe, Cheshire, (the company behind Avantimobile), states. "People have been looking for a simple way to take control of their mobile costs. Avantimobile delivers all this while allowing people to use their handsets just as they always have, without having to change contracts or numbers. Despite the growing public discontent about mobile charges, there has been very little Government or regulatory body pressure for mobile networks to reduce the costs of cross-network or international calls. Avantimobile clearly shows the significant savings that customers can make."

Lloyd-Weston continues, "For example, detailed analysis shows that an O2 customer on the Best for Business tariff spending £38 per month calling UK mobiles and landlines with no international calls would make a saving of £8 pounds (20%). A higher spend user (£330 per month) who also made international calls would make a saving of £100 (30%). A user who predominantly phoned international (£1,300 per month) would make a saving of £1,100 (85%) enough to buy an air ticket every month to one of those overseas destinations! Other similar cost savings are made when compared to other UK mobile networks"

The service is accessed via the Avantimobile web site www.avantimobile.com where customers can register to use the service. Further examples of potential savings are also available on the web site. Corporate customers can register a number of handsets to a single account for ease of administration.


For further media information, please contact David Oxnam or Phil Russell at
Clear PR Telephone 020 7689 5155 E-mail avanti@clear-group.co.uk
Company: OpenAir
Contact Name: Anthony Lloyd-Weston
Contact Email: aweston@openair.biz
Contact Phone: 08701118050

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