Admiral MultiCar has revealed that Britain is a complicated place to live according to new research. It shows that over half the population believe their lives are too complicated, with money, work-life balance and family issues causing the complication.
The car insurance specialist found that 52% of people think their lives are too complicated. More women than men believe this, with 57% of them claiming their lives are too complicated compared with 45% of men. Briton's lives would appear to become less complicated as they get older as 70% of 16 - 24 year olds say their lives are too complicated compared with just 37% of the over 55s.
Regionally, those living in the North East find life most complicated, with just over three out of five people living there claiming this. Next are the Welsh on 58% and Londoners on 57%. Interestingly, across the Pennines from the North East in the North West, only 45% claim their lives are complicated, the lowest of any region.
Examining the reasons for the complication, over a third of respondents (36%) said managing money, a quarter (25%) cited managing work/life balance and just under a quarter (24%) said family life is the biggest contributor.
Dave Halliday, Admiral acting managing director, said: "It appears that people are struggling to cope with the challenges modern life throws at them and are finding it all too complicated. Unsurprisingly, managing money is at the top of the list as with a seemingly endless list of outgoings, it can be tricky to keep on top of everything, particularly when trying to balance work and family life at the same time."
When asked how their lives could be made less complicated, a third of people (33%) said earning more money would help, while around one in seven (14%) mentioned retiring would be the best option, with a similar amount (12%) saying upping sticks and jetting away on a long holiday would really help. Other responses were agreeing with everything their partner said (5%) or even getting a divorce (2%).
Over a fifth of people (22%) admitted they are to blame for their own complications, while a fifth (20%) blame the Government, and a similar number (17%) blame their partner.
A quarter of people (25%) cope with their complicated lives by simply sticking their heads in the sand and ignoring their phone. 9% avoid chores and worryingly 5% ignore statements and financial demands. However, over 40% don't actually employ any strategies at all to make their life less complicated.
Admiral MultiCar has teamed up with comedian and presenter Sue Perkins to create some light-hearted video guides on how to make life less complicated. In the videos Sue shows how to get the kids ready for school in record time, how to keep on top of your household finances, how to speak the language of a teenager and how to make sure to buy the perfect present for a partner. The videos by can be viewed at
Notes to Editors:
The research was carried out online by Opinion MattersĀ amongst a panel of 1,173 UK adult respondents.
About Admiral:
Admiral, (a trading name of EUI Ltd) launched in 1993, and is part of Admiral Group plc. It was set up to target those motorists who traditionally pay higher than average premiums, including those under-35, living in cities or driving hot hatches. It now offers its unique Admiral MultiCar policy for households with two or more cars.
Admiral writes its motor insurance business to a consortium of insurers, these being Admiral Insurance Company Ltd, Admiral Insurance (Gibraltar) Limited and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) plc.
The Admiral Group employs over 4,500 people in the UK and has more than 2.8 million customers in the UK.
PR Contact:
James Carnduff
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CF10 3AZ
029 2043 4333
Admiral MultiCar reveals Britain as a nation of complications
Company: Admiral
Contact Name: James Carnduff
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Contact Phone: 029 2043 4333
Contact Name: James Carnduff
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Contact Phone: 029 2043 4333