Jeff and Cindy DeBlase started Canalope Weddings in 2004 and provides nationwide weddings coming to your location of choice. This is very new to the weddings business, and they provide marriage ceremonies of all types.
Can-A-Lope Weddings is a Nationwide wedding planning service, an association of ministers, officiants, clergy and chaplains. The service Can-A-Lope Weddings provides is to assist you in your wedding planning, in your search for the right officiant, to perform your wedding ceremony.
Can-a-lope Weddings will travel to the location of your choice. The options for your wedding ceremony are endless, and recent trends show that a church wedding ceremony is not. Their online wedding planning service helps engaged couples find an officiant, or pastor to marry them.
This online wedding planning service web site, informs customers of the services available, lists ministers by state and a provides a profile of the officiants. Can-A-Lope Weddings makes it easy for couples to select one of our wedding ministers. Wedding ministers are profiled by state, with their pictures and prices. Couples can check availability for their wedding date, time, and location. There is a growing need for non-denominational, interfaith, all faiths and types.
Their biggest service is helping engaged couples find the right wedding minister and their National Association of Wedding Officiants will perform all types of personalized ceremonies, uniquely to their beliefs and personalities. Can-A-Lope Weddings perform ceremonies at a variety of locations, on the beach or in the mountains, in a restaurant or a city park, formal or informal. casual or traditional, religious or non-religious, at your own home or a racetrack, wherever the location may be, if love is present the location is made beautiful.
Can-A-Lope Weddings, National Association of Wedding Officiants, welcomes couples of all faiths, denominations, race, color and religious backgrounds. Can-A-Lope Weddings officiants will not refuse to marry couples who have been previously married, who don’t belong to a certain church, or those who are living together before marriage.
Officiants on our web site perform all types of ceremonies, traditional, contemporary, Christian-religious, non-religious, short-sweet-personal, or the couples may say their own vows. Officiants pay no fee to be on our site. If an officiant is interested in their employment for ministers, they can fill out their minister’s registration form at Can-A-Lope Weddings web site. Can-A-Lope Weddings will review their request for, employment for ministers, form and contact the minister within 48 hours, to discuss this opportunity Can-A-Lope Weddings are a matchmaker for couples seeking an officiant to perform their ceremony.
Can-A-Lope Weddings including Los Angeles Wedding Ministers, seeks out after your pleasure, when it comes to performing wedding ceremonies. Through the rambling metropolis of Los Angeles, Houston, St. Louis, New York, Chicago, or even Las Vegas, they are sprawling across the thousands square miles to create marriages. Can-A-Lope wedding officiants will perform your ceremony with professionalism and heart, always keeping the focus on what you desire. Their only requirements for the couples are, that they love each other and have a sincere desire to be married.
Can-A-Lope Weddings, Starts Nationwide Wedding Planning Services
Company: Canalope Weddings
Contact Name: Jeff Deblase
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 417-839-7401
Contact Name: Jeff Deblase
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 417-839-7401